14 Maybe one day...

100 7 17

Addison POV

I was in my office wrapping presents when I heard the front door open and close. Followed by a loud call.

"Addie? I'm home. Where are you?" called Corinne.

"In the office!" I called back as I tried to hold the wrapping paper in place while struggling with the tape.

"Hi. You're home early today. Where's Poppy? What are you doing?" my little sister asked as she walked in.

"I was only in the office until 1pm. Poppy has an appointment. Right now I'm trying to wrap the presents. Can you give me a hand?" I replied.

"Oh are those presents for me already?" giggled Cori as she helped me finish.

"That would be a little early wouldn't it? These are presents for Adam's friends and their new baby. We'll visit them later. How was school?" I wanted to know.

"It was all right. I got a B+ on my algebra test. And I want to meet up with Sarah later. We have a science project together." she explained to me.

"That's great! You're doing so well. I'm proud of you." I replied, hugging her with my free arm.

"Thank you. It's going really well right now. And it's even fun." she said, sounding very proud.

"Tell me... how is it going with Adam?" she wanted to know after he managed to wrap the presents nicely.

"Things are going great. I'm happy. But I think that's always the case after four weeks. It's been a while since I felt like this." I said with a big smile on my face.

"That's true and you only have me to thank for that. Can we practice driving again tonight?" she wanted to know.

"Sure. Do you want to come to the movies with us? You can drive us there and back then. This way you kill two birds with one stone," I suggested as I took the presents and took them into the living room.

"Can we have dinner first?" ask Corinne.

"I guess we could. After your homework is done. How is your essay coming along?" I replied.

"Almost done. You can read it later and tell me what you think. I forgot to ask what you bought for the baby..." she said.

"Well.... for the baby I ordered a wall lamp with her name in the shape of a crescent moon and stars. And for the parents, bracelets. Then there's the self-care basket.... With coffee, shower products, snacks.... Stuff like that. I hope they like it. It's the first time I'm meeting them. So I'm a little nervous. I hope they like me." I replied just as the doorbell rang.

Cori went to open the door. It was Adam. He had come straight from the airport to pick me up so we could visit the new parents and their two-week-old daughter.

"Hi know-it-all! How are you?" asked Adam Corinne with a big grin.

"Excellent. And if I wasn't a know-it-all, you probably wouldn't be here right now. Addie's in the living room. I'm going to do my homework. See you later, Adam." I heard her say.

"Hey...there you are. I missed you." he said as he came over to me and immediately pulled me into his arms.

Adam gave me a loving kiss. First on my lips and then on my nose. I giggled like a little girl.

"I sure missed you more. How was work? Did she say something stupid to you again?" I wanted to know.

"No. Not this time. But even if she did, I don't care. It's you that's important, not her. What's all this?" he replied before his gaze fell on the table.

"I ordered some very special things. For your friend and their baby. We can't come empty handed," I explained to him.

"Someone's nervous." he stated, then rubbed my back reassuringly.

"Yeah... well a little." I confessed.

"You are so cute. They're going to like you a lot, I know it.... Badass business woman, yet so shy. How do you do it?" he asked as he pulled me close.

"It's a talent." I laughed before giving him another kiss.


"Oh my god! Addison, those bracelets! Where on earth did you get them? That's adorable! Thank you!" gushed Erica as she unwrapped the gifts for herself and Kyle.

They were bracelets in silver that I had engraved with the words Janie's Mommy and Janie's Daddy. The first time I saw them, I knew right away that this was something special and couldn't resist ordering them.

"Oh it's a little store on Etsy. I was hoping you guys would like it. Please open the gift for the little one. I'm excited to see how you guys like that." I replied.

"Kyle, look. That's really not nice to make me cry." she sniffled when she saw the lamp.

"I'd say the presents are a big hit, Addie!" said Adam sitting next to me with the baby in his arms.

"Adam is right. This is amazing! I'll hang the lamp in a minute. Adam, do you mind giving me a hand?" replied Kyle.

"Sure. Do you want to hold her?" he asked me, then looked at the baby.

"Um...I don't know. Other than Corinne, I've never held a baby before and that was a while ago." I said a little anxiously.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." said Adam worriedly.

"It's okay Addison. I'm right here with you. You can try." Erica encouraged me.

"Okay...very carefully." I then replied and he placed the little bundle in my arms.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was so small and so perfect.

"I'll be right back. Are you okay?" said Adam to me and gave me a kiss on the temple.

"Perfect." I murmured, smiling at him.

"Look at you... You're a little angel..." I cooed as I played with Janie's tiny fingers.

"See? You're so good at this." Erica praised me.

"I... I guess so. I'm glad I finally got to meet you guys. I hope we can visit more often," I replied.

"I would like that. You know... it's been a while since I've seen Adam so relaxed and happy. You're obviously doing him good." she said as she sat down with me.

"He's good for me too! And he gets along well with my little sister. That's very important to me. There was just this connection between us.... From the first moment. It's really great!" I rambled.

"I can see that. And I can also see that you both enjoy holding Janie. Maybe one day you'll have a little one like that yourselves." she replied, stroking her daughter's cheeks with her index finger.

"Yes... Maybe," I said.

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