25 Standing up

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Adam POV

"Addie? Are you all right?" I asked as I suddenly saw her expression darken.

I quickly wiped my hands with the towel Cori handed us and then put my hand on Addie's hip to get her attention.

"Did you invite her?" she wanted to know.

"Who do you mean?" I replied, confused.

Addie moved her head in the direction of the door and it didn't take long for me to spot the person because of whom Addison's mood had changed so quickly.

"Of course not! How could you even think that? I'm going to kick her out immediately," I said.

"I'm sorry Adam. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just caught off guard. Let's get this over with. I'm not going to let her ruin our special day," Addie apologized to me.

I could understand that she was angry. I was too. With everything I had in me I tried to pull myself together. Even though it was very difficult for me. How dare she show up here?

"Britt, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked harshly as I appeared with Addie holding my hand in front of my stupid ex.

"Oh, I just wanted to see if the rumors were true. You hear a lot backstage, even if you're not there right now. I hope your concussion is better. Although I can hardly imagine it considering the circumstances. Congratulations on your quick... happiness of becoming parents. Are you sure this is what you want, Adam?" replied Britt her voice dripping with venom.

"You've got some nerve. You're a jealous bitch. Why is it so hard for you to accept that I've moved on and am happier than ever, huh? You have no one to blame but yourself. But showing up here is the absolute fucking bottom of the barrel. Get the hell out of here before I call the cops and get a restraining order against you," I hissed as I finally lost patience with her.

"Happy? Oh please... She totally tricked you, didn't she? Can't you see that? Why do you think she got pregnant so quickly? She's using you. She has nothing to offer. Unlike me. I have a PhD in dentistry. What does she have? She's a little girl playing with makeup. None of it she did herself. She pays people to do it." said Britt as she pointed her finger at Addie.

"Oh is that what you think? Well, let me tell you something. I  usually don't brag about it but.... I have a PhD in chemical science. I have a master's degree in cosmetic chemistry. I developed and formulated all the products myself. I work hard every single day. And Adam supports me. And just for your information... not that it matters, but my company is worth over $50 million. Do the math yourself on my net worth. Next time, do your homework. 

I love Adam and he loves me. We love our daughter and my sister. We are a family. Maybe you should work on yourself, you unfaithful, ungrateful bitch. Don't blame others because you're a slut. Now get the fuck out of here," said Addie as I was about to defend her.

"Or what?" asked Britt, standing close to my fiancée and pushing her.

Shocked, I steadied Addie so she wouldn't lose her balance. Before anyone could react, Addie punched Britt in the face. Hard.

"Don't touch me again. Is that clear?" hissed Addie.

"You'll regret this, bitch." said Britt holding her bleeding nose.

"What are you going to do? You want to run to the media? Go ahead. Then I can tell everyone that you attacked a pregnant woman. That I had to defend myself at my own gender reveal party. And let's not forget the fact that you walked in here uninvited. Trespassing... Stalking. I can think of a lot of things off the top of my head. Your choice," Addie replied threateningly.

It didn't take long for Britt to think things over and leave. Snorting, she practically ran out of the room.

"Damn, Addie. That was great." I praised as I gently hugged her.

"What can I say? My family means everything to me. In that sense, I'm a lioness defending what's hers." she replied a bit tensely.

"And I love you for it. Are you okay?" I then asked.

"Yeah... Just a little worked up. And having a weird feeling in my stomach." she said as she put her hand on her bump.

I put my hand next to hers and it wasn't long before I felt something. Surprised, I looked at Addie.

"Is that?" I wanted to know.

"Oh my god... I think it is. Hi baby." she whispered with a big smile.

"Looks like our little wiggler takes after you. She wanted to stand up for her family too." I replied and then gave her a kiss before leaning my forehead against hers.

For a few minutes we enjoyed this special moment while our guests spread out again in the room and the mood was quickly good and cheerful again. Despite her attempt to ruin our day, Britt did not succeed. And she never would succeed. I would make sure of that. Because I did not want her to approach my family again.

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