8 Stressed and worried

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Adam POV

With a big yawn, I turned off the computer and then went over to the couch to watch some TV before going to bed. Once again I looked at my phone. I still hadn't heard from Addie, even though her flight must have landed in New York a few hours ago. 

Without thinking much about it, I dialed her number. Impatiently I waited for her to answer the call. And I was lucky. It did not take long until I heard her voice. But she sounded anything but happy.

"Hey Adam." she said tiredly.

"Hi Addie. Is everything alright? You don't sound so good." I asked worriedly.

"Well.... that was a fucking shitty day, I'll tell you that. Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to. First the flight was delayed. Then my luggage didn't arrive for ages and then there was a problem with the hotel. And as if all that wasn't enough to bring me to the brink of a nervous breakdown, my business partner, with whom I wanted to go to the event, canceled at short notice. Her child is sick. I know that it is more important that she stays at home. But I don't know if I can do it alone!

I've never been on a red carpet and never received an award. And now I have to do it all by myself. I can't do it. Maybe I should cancel and fly home." she replied, sniffling.

I sighed. I had loved to hug her and tell her she was great and how much she deserved this moment. There had to be something I could do to calm her down.

"Relax, Addie. Take a deep breath. Please. I don't want you to freak yourself out. You can do this. You've worked your ass off to be successful and you deserve this moment. And you know it. I don't want you to miss out on such a special moment because you're scared. You'll regret it one day. Tell me what I can do to help you," I said in a calm, hopefully soothing voice.

I heard her take a shaky but deep breath. Then Addie sniffled again briefly before answering me.

"I know you're right, Adam. It's just... I'm not good at this kind of thing. It's one of the aspects of my job I hate." she replied.

"I promise you it won't be as bad as you think right now. Don't worry so much. And if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to stay there or do it again. Is there anything I can do for you?" I said then.

"I... um... I don't think so. Just hearing your voice helps. Today was just too much. Maybe tomorrow things will look very different. Then maybe I'll laugh at my anxiety from today. Or at least I hope so," Addison replied.

But I didn't buy it. I sensed that she was trying to be strong. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. Addie always tried to be the tough person that others could rely on. But even after the short time we had spent together, I knew that a lot of it was just a facade. No one could be strong all the time. 

We talked for a while longer. But then it was time for her to go to bed. She needed the sleep after such a stressful day. I told her that she could call me anytime if she wasn't feeling well before we said good night.

Still, my mind wouldn't stop spinning. I tried to find a way to help her in this situation. And then I thought of something. I dialed a number and hoped she would answer. I was sure that 10pm was not late for her on a Friday night.

"Hello?" it said suddenly.

"Corinne? It's Adam. I need your help," I said.

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