15 - Sudden

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Sukina fall asleep on the couch, literally. Drinking coffee might boost someone to stay up all night, but for Sukina, it's not. Well, she literally use her curse energy these days to teleport and so on- and she's fucking tired.

Her slow hum makes Yuji surprised, that she literally fall asleep, off guard beside him. Sukina tilts her head to the coach. As she's quite tall, her neck don't perfectly sit on the couch. Yuji realized that Sukina will hurt her neck in the morning, so he slowly grabs her and lay her head to his lap.

Her mewl makes Yuji know that Sukina was one of the fast and heavy sleeper. She looks tired though.

Around 10 minutes after that, Satoru arrived with lots of wet food and dry food in plastics. He realized that his sister fall asleep, so he slow down his volume. But, the two insist of eating dinner. 

Thankfully, Sukina sleep with a long sleeve jacket- which most likely she wears thin singlet inside it. Also, the jacket is custom made with custom fabrics, which act like a comforter for her. She wears a long pants, which kinda big for her size. But yeah. Satoru is okay with that.

As long as his sister didn't sleep with half naked clothes with men around, he is okay.

"Wow, your meatballs are so good, Yuji kun." Satoru commented.

"Oh, thanks. It's easy to make though. I taught Megumi how to make it." He stated.

The two eats well. After Satoru finished his bowl, he could hear Sukina growls and whining in her sleep. Well, Yuji heard that too. Fast, he stand up and walks to her side.

"Hah- It's... hurt-" She slowly cries, before hugs herself tight.

"Sukina..." Satoru calls her name. Slow, once.

"AHH!" Her sudden screams literally caught the two of guard. Fast, Satoru shake her body a few times.

After the third shake, Sukina open her eyes. It's hazy, everything is not clear. She's crying in her sleep, full in sweat. Sukina take a few deep breath, before exhale. She's shivering.

"That dream, again?" Satoru pat her head a few times. Yuji is standing beside Satoru, didn't want to interfere. The red eyes simply nod.

"Ye- yeah. It is." Her voice stutters. She looks afraid. This is the first time Yuji could see Sukina expressed her emotion like that.

Satoru lower his body until his knee touch the floor. He give her a hug. Sukina didn't say anything, but she hug him back.

"You're burning hot. Did you somehow catch a cold?" Satoru asked. Sukina didn't say anything.

Yuji simply look at Sukina. She didn't show any emotions after that. Her red eyes seems pensive, expressionless after that.

"Do you want to back in your room?" Satoru asked. She simply nod.

Satoru grin, before he release the hug.

"Could you do the dishes for me, Yuji kun? I need to take care of Sukina chan for a while. I'll be back, or so." Satoru stated. Yuji nod, agree.

"Sure, sensei."

Then, Satoru lift Sukina, before they left the room. As her dorm is quite far from there, so Satoru needs to exercise a bit. Sukina timidly let herself being carried by Satoru. She bend herself a bit, like a fetus inside a womb.

"Does he... Still hurt you in your dream?" Satoru ask.

"Yeah. It's hurt." She replied. The moon is shining so bright now. Sukina could tell that she could see her brother's face clearly without any help from artificial light.

"Do you, hate him?" Satoru asked.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Then, do you like him?" Satoru asked. 

"I don't know either."

Same old questions, same old answers. That's how Satoru conclude this. Sukina seems to develop something for Toji, the one who nearly killed her once. He can't say it's hate, but he can't say it's love either.

Sukina is too good to dodge all his question with her expression. She didn't show love, interest, disgusted and so on when it comes to Toji. Satoru wants to kick the fact that Sukina might be in love with that sucker, but yeah. It might not be the case.

After 5 minutes or so, Satoru arrived in front of her door. He twist the knob, before enter the room. Satoru didn't lit the light, but he put his sister on the bed right after.

"I'll get the handkerchief and some pills." He stated.

Sukina nod.

"While I'm doing that, be a good sister and wrap youself nicely in the blanket." He stated. Sukina simply grab her warm blanket before wrap herself in it. She switch on the fan only, not the AC.

Less than a minute, Satoru is back with pills, a glass of water and damp handkerchief with a small basin with water. Sukina sit on the bed.

"Take this." He offers the pills. Sukina take only 1 pill, before she put it on her mouth and cug the water. Simple as that.

She's very good in eating pills. People envied her so much cause she has that talent.

"Lay down. I'll put this on your forehead. Also, if you're good to go tomorrow, I'm leaving Yuji in your care and Nanami." Satoru smile.

"Nanami san?" She asked.

"Yeah, he is. Now, lay down. Go to sleep and no more questions." Satoru slowly push her body down the bed before put the damp handkerchief on Sukina's forehead.

The cold fabrics make her shivers with it sudden contact with her forehead.

"Brother Satoru..." Sukina called.


"Did I... Used too much cursed energy? I rarely feel like this. I feel sick." She finally said it. Satoru didn't say anything.

"Well, who knows! Break your limit, Sukina chan. I'll be back later. See ya! Have a good dream." Chuckles, Satoru left the room with warping himself. Earlier, no one on the hall. Nobara is sleeping, Megumi might be reading manga in his room and didn't notice anything.

Sukina enjoy the best feeling of herself. Her body feels hot in the blanket, but it's warm and feel so good-

She wants to stay in this position, forever. 

"I'm so sleepy..." She slowly close her eyes. 

Sukina rarely get sick, but when she got sick, usually, it lasts less than 3 days. Sometimes, she just need a good night sleep and she can kick someone ass' in the morning.


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