19 - Junpei Yoshino 2

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Sukina sit at the back seats with Yuji. Ijichi explained about their plans. First, they need to find Junpei. Second, they need to confirm Junpei statement about the last event. Third, they need to know whether he could see curses or not.

If he could, and exorcise it, he could be a curse user. So, they need to restrain him by force.

If he could and let it be, they need to wait for Nanami's instructions- which Sukina think that she and Yuji might not able to follow that.

If he couldn't see curses, Yuji and Sukina must exorcise the curse and help him.

"But- what if he has nothing to do with this, and it's all just misunderstandings?" Yuji asked. Sukina chuckles.

"We'll say sorry to him. As easy as that." She replied.

Yuji nod, agree. They will use non graded curse- not that harmful actually- to test Junpei. Sukina tie her hair into high ponytail before she sigh. A few minutes of driving, Ijichi spot Junpei. The two could see him too.

"He's skipping school." Yuji said.

"Yeah. He must. Even the theatre event happened during class period." Ijichi replied.

"He must be the type who got bullied in school." Sukina look at Junpei. Even though she couldn't see his face clearly, but that's what she assume. Yuji look at Sukina with a brow raised.

"Huh? Why you thought of that, Sukina chan?" He asked.

"Well, what reason could it be? If it's family matter, he would be at school 24/7. If it's school matter, he would not attend it then. Simple." Sukina support her cheek with her palm.

"But, why he didn't report it to teacher then?" Yuji asked. Sukina sigh.

"Itadori, it's not simple as that. Sometimes, even the teacher would ignore bullies that happened in front of their eyes. The victim could not speak up for themselves. They lacked power. Their bullies feels so great to punch the shit out of the weak. But, if it's for me, I'll kill everyone who dare to do that. I don't really care." Her expressionless face makes Yuji scared for a while.

"But... Wasn't it all the rules?"

"Itadori... You have never be in their shoes. That's all I could say. A guy like Junpei must not have a lot of friends to speak too. Also... You have superhuman strength. But, it's not the same case for Junpei then. Rules hm? I do believe in rules, but some of them are just utter bullshits. It's just rules that the higher ups made, for us to be their puppet."


"Whether we die or survive, they would never care, as long as the rules could make their money increase, could keep their life safe, could make them happily ever after. That's why, I despise bullies and higher ups. Some of them really getting on my nerves lately, right Ijichi san?" Sukina sudden smile makes Yuji flinched.

Earlier, he clearly felt the murderous intent from Sukina. Yuji gulped.

"Um... I-"

"I know, Ijichi san. One could say that I depends on Satoru's strength and continue to mock me from my back. But, they didn't dare to say it right to my face. Cause, once they do that, I'll make sure they taste their own shit." Sukina then unbuckle her seatbelt. She exit the car.

The men surprised, before do the same. Yuji offers to bring the curse in the special cage, while Ijichi walks in front of Sukina.

He barely pass her though. So yeah, the three of them follows Junpei from behind. 

"He must be a normal guy. He didn't realized we followed him." Sukina sigh. It's tiring to stalk a man like Junpei.

Also, some men even tries to hitting on her, which make her irked even more. After Sukina let Ijichi to hold the cage, she intertwine her arm with Yuji. Smiling, Sukina could sense Yuji's face becomes redder.

"Be my boyfriend for today, Yuji kun!"

Gosh, Yuji swear he could die out of excitement. After the three arrived around houses and park, they finally know where Junpei live. What a stalker. Ijichi was confirming something with Yuji. But yeah, just when he released the curse, Yuji spot someone at Junpei's house.

So yeah, Yuji jumps right on the scene. Sukina slowly walks behind him. Ijichi panic, as there are two curse. It splits in two different direction. Sukina hold her laughs when Yuji hit himself at electric pole. 

He then grab the man- maybe, Junpei's teacher- pants are run with it. Sukina then slowly pat Junpei's back.

"Hi!" She smile. Of course, Junpei was, surprised. He never heard any footsteps behind him earlier. Less than 2 seconds, Yuji is back.

"Eh, you- finished the entire lap?!" Junpei looks surprised.

"Um, yeah. Oh, would you follow us for a while? We have a few questions for you." Yuji is direct. Sukina folds her arm, as well as smiling.

"Um, yeah..."

"Don't worry. That fat ass are taking his time." Sukina walks towards Yuji, before she walk passed him. Junpei slightly nod, before agree to follow the two.

Sukina stops when she could see riverbank. It's so cool! Childishly, she run towards it before take out her phone and snap a few pictures of it. She totally ignored Yuji and Junpei.

"Um, Sukina san..."

"Wait. I need to get a few shots of this." She grin. Junpei then sit on the stairs, which made of rocks and so on. Yuji did too.

After Sukina feels good about her picture, she walks towards the two before sit beside Yuji. She smile.

"I'm Sukina Gojo. Nice to meet you." She smile.

"Oh, hi Gojo san. I'm, Junpei Yoshino." He timidly replied.

"I'm Yuji Itadori! Nice to meet you, Yoshino san!" Yuji looks happy though.

"So, let's ask it. Direct. Yoshino san, we know you are the only witness in the theatre accident. I will only ask two questions." Sukina grin.

"But Suki-"

"Shut up. If you want to call, go there. I'm not waiting. My butt hurt from sitting too much." She said it like it's nothing. Yuji blushed, while Junpei's pupil dilate upon her words.

"R-Right." Yuji stand up before he calls Ijichi, who seems occupied in catching a curse.

"First question, do you know the victims?"

Weird. Even Yuji surprised by her questions. Junpei seems to take times in answering it. Sukina could read him like an open book.

"I- do..." He replied, after a few moments of silence.

"Alright. Last question, do you see anything or anyone that might do something to the victims in the theatre? Person, cats or anythings?" Sukina red eyes piercing through his dark green eyes.

"No." He answer, immediately. Sukina smile, before she grabs his hands, in between her palm.

"Alright, that's all. Thank you, Yoshino kun." Sukina smile.

Of course, that make Junpei yelp a little, blushing hard and Yuji's mouth open, wide.


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