24 - Surprised

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It's already the exchange event day. Sukina already tell Satoru and Suguru about what the hell happened and why Junpei is there. Satoru sigh, but he feels excited to have another student under him. Also, this is the day that Yuji's survival would be announced.

Junpei are told to follow Mei Mei, a white haired sorcerer. She braids her hair too. After Sukina offers her around 50$ or so, she gladly agree to watch over Junpei. Junpei will stay in the observation room, which Sukina would be there too.

So yeah. Now, Junpei is standing beside Megumi and Nobara and the second years too. He said that he's not participating, and waiting for Sukina.

Kyoto students already arrived at the scene and starts a fight. A woman in purple haired stop their bickering, before asking where is Satoru.

Well, not really. She didn't mention his name but everyone know what she meants.

"Satoru is late." Panda replied.

"Tch, like that idiot would ever be on time!" Maki yelled.

"Well, Sukina is not here too." Megumi sigh.

"Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late!" Sukina literally walks into the scene. But, before this happened, a few days ago....

She fought with Mai and Todo from Kyoto part. As Megumi nearly got his head crack open, and Nobara nearly got shot, Sukina stop the two before she take out her knife and said,

"If something happened to them, I'll put hole right in your head." Sukina points the knife to Mai first. 

Mai tries to shoot, but Sukina cut her bullet sharp, nice. When Todo wants to strike Sukina on her face, she stop it by her finger, smiling.

"I've told you, right?" Sukina caress her knife to Todo, which make him bleed a bit. No curse energy involved in this.

So yeah, when the two saw the tall white haired happily walking, they tensed up.

"Everyone! I'm here!" A voice from Satoru makes Utahime irked, while Miwa becomes excited.

"Tch, Satoru Gojo!" The two thought that on the same time, with different tone.

Then, Masamichi arrived. Just before he starts to talk, Satoru gives some pink dolls to Kyoto students as souveniers. He didn't bring any for Tokyo students, but Sukina knew well.

"This is your departed friend, Yuji Itadori!" He introduced Yuji, who show himself. He hid in the box that Satoru brought.

"Hey! OPP!" Yuji happily  jump out of the box.

"Urgh...." Nobara and Megumi didn't show any remorse or so.

"Wow. Very surprising, Satoru." Sukina yawns.

"Wait, you knew?!" Nobara kick Yuji's box, before she wants to grab Sukina's neck.

Sukina activate her infinity, so that she can't touch her.

"Yeah, I do. Junpei knew too." Sukina stuck out her tongue. Junpei sigh. 

"Why you three keep it as a secret?!" Nobara yells, making the Kyoto parts look at them.

So yeah. All of them in the meeting room. Yuji is holding a frame like he's dying.

"Alright. Since Yuji is back, I'm not entering the event. Also, I already told him about the plan. So, proceed normally." Sukina smile.

"Hey, you can't do that!" Maki sigh.

"But I don't want fight human. You do know that I'm holding back too well right? I don't want to cause unnecessary accident." Sukina dramatically pat her cheek.

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