Chapter 2 - Dart

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Quinn's POV
The next morning, Billy drove us to school. As soon as he parked his car, I got out and almost sprinted towards Steve's car. I hated Billy. On the way home yesterday, he had tried to hit some of Max's friends and today he was trying to tell me who I should be friends with.

"You shouldn't hang out with that Harrington guy. I don't like him." Billy said. I sighed unhappily.

"You just don't like him because he's not like you. You're just a jerk and Steve is super nice," I snapped. Billy looked over at me with an angry expression on his face.

He didn't say anything to that but I could tell he was really mad.

When I got to Steve's car, he was leaned up against it, running his hand through his dark brown hair.

"Hey Quinn. What's up?" Steve said with a smile. I sighed unhappily.

"Billy. He's being a total jerk. He told me I shouldn't hang out with you because he doesn't like you very much," I replied, somewhat annoyed. Steve shrugged.

"Maybe he's right. Maybe you shouldn't hang out with me," Steve teased. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Right. Like I would stop hanging out with you. You're my first real friend here. And it's been really nice of you to show me around the school so I know where I'm going," I explained with a smile. Steve nodded.

"That's true. I am pretty nice. I used to not be though. I used to be like Billy is." He muttered with a smirk.

"No. Really? You were a jerk like Billy?!" I questioned, my eyes wide. Steve nodded.

"Yeah. I was a total jerk until Jonathan knocked some sense into me. Literally," He muttered. I laughed.

"I'm glad he did or I'd be stuck at school with two Billys." I teased. Steve chuckled.

"Yeah. That's true,"

We entered the school and Steve all but avoided Nancy who wasn't exactly trying to talk to him either.

When we got to class, I sat down next to Steve and fixed my eyes on him.

"Steve, what exactly happened last night with Nancy? Why don't you want to see each other?" I asked. Steve didn't answer when I said it so I reached out and took his hand. "Steve, what's going on between you and Nancy?"

This time, I placed a hand on Steve's cheek and shifted his face towards mine.

"Steve, what's wrong?" I asked again. Finally, he answered.

"Nancy was drunk and said some things she shouldn't have. She said she didn't love me and it hurt," Steve replied, his answer coming out in almost a whisper, a few tears falling down his cheeks. I sighed and nodded.

"It's ok. I'm sure she didn't mean what she said. I mean she was drunk and people don't usually mean what they say when they're drunk," I said, giving Steve a side hug. Steve nodded.

"You're probably right. Thanks Quinn. I may have just met you yesterday but you're a pretty awesome friend," he said with a smile.

"Awwww. That's sweet," I said with a smile.


After school, Max sprinted towards me, her skateboard under her arm.

"Quinn! Dustin found something and I want you to come see it with me. He said that it could be his ultimate discovery. I thought that since you're such a nerd, you might want to see it," She explained. I sighed as I glanced over at Steve.

Steve had invited me over so I could help him with calculus. He also just wanted me to come over because he needed someone to cheer him up because of Nancy.

"I'm so sorry Steve. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I said with a sad smile. Steve nodded.

"Ok. See you tomorrow," he muttered, waving at me as my little sister grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the middle school.

"Hey! Where are you two going?!" Billy shouted.

"We're staying after school to study! We'll just have a friend take us home!" Max shouted, not even looking back at Billy.

"Fine! But if no one can pick you up, I'm not going to!" He shouted back. Max shrugged.


"Max, I told mom I was going to Steve's after school to help him study. This isn't studying. I don't even know what this is," I said angrily. Max rolled her eyes.

"It's fine. You can study with your new boyfriend tomorrow," Max said with a smirk. I frowned.

"He's not my boyfriend, Max. He has a girlfriend. We're just friends," I argued. Max laughed.

"Whatever you say." She muttered as we entered the middle school gym.

Max took me all the way to the av room and knocked on the door.

"Let me in, losers!" She shouted as she knocked on the door rapidly. I rolled my eyes as I removed a bobby pin from my pocket and picked the lock.

As I opened the door, a strange little creature ran out the door. My eyes grew wide as it ran past. I had never seen anything like it before.

"Ahhh! What was that thing?!" I shouted.

At that moment, three boys sprinted out of the room and I noticed who they were.

"Wait a minute! You're the boys that Billy tried to hit with his car yesterday!" I said. The boy with dark brown curly hair nodded.

"Yeah. That's us. Thanks for saving us yesterday by the way," the boy said as he pushed past me.

I grabbed his arm and stopped him from running.

"Look, I want to help you find that weird pollywog thing that just ran away but I need to know your names so I can call for you if I find it." I explained. The curly haired boy sighed in annoyance.

"Fine but we're wasting time. I'm Dustin Henderson. And this is Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Will Byers." Dustin explained, pointing out each of his friends to me. I nodded.

"Nice to meet you. Now let's go find that pollywog,"

"His name's Dart," Dustin muttered. I nodded.

"Ok. Dart. Let's go find Dart," I said as I walked off with Max on my heels.

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