Chapter 4 - Farrah Fawcett Hair Spray

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Steve's POV
Dustin and I had decided to make a trap and we were going to lore the demorgoran in with meat.

Dustin contacted his friends and told them to meet us at the junkyard.

Dustin and I started sprinkling meat throughout the forest and at the moment we were walking along the old train tracks, dropping meat on the tracks as we walked.

"So, I have to ask. What's the name of the hairspray you use on your hair? I mean your hair looks great and all the ladies like you," Dustin explained. I rolled my eyes.

"It's more than just hair. Look, I'll tell you this. Girls will be totally into you if you pretend you don't care about them," I replied. Dustin frowned.

"Seriously? If I pretend I don't care?" He questioned. I nodded. Dustin laughed. "Wow. No wonder Quinn thinks you don't like her."

"What're you talking about? Quinn's just my friend," I argued. Dustin nodded.

"Right. And I'm dating Molly Ringwald," Dustin said sarcastically. I frowned.

"Look Henderson, I might like Quinn but I have Nancy and..."

"And, you and Nancy are on the rocks right now! Ergo, if she breaks up with you, Quinn is who you're going to be crying to because you like her! I'm not wrong about this," Dustin explained. I sighed.

"Faberge Organics. Use the shampoo and conditioner and when your hair is damp, not wet, but damp, you do four puffs of Farrah Fawcett spray. That's the secret to my hair. It's in the products," I said in an attempt to change the subject which Dustin caught immediately.

"Stop trying to change the subject, Harrington! You like Quinn but you won't admit it! I did appreciate the tip about your hair though," Dustin said with a shrug. I stepped in front of him to stop him.

"If you tell anyone what I just told you, I'll kick your butt. Got it?" I asked. Dustin nodded.

"Yeah. Got it. But I still think you should admit that you have feelings for Quinn,"

"Oh will you please drop it!" I shouted in annoyance.

When we got to the junkyard, Lucas and Max were waiting for us along with...

"Quinn? What're you doing here?" I asked. Quinn shrugged.

"Max asked me to come with so I did," She replied casually.

Quinn was wearing a grey Hawkins High School class of '86 sweatshirt and blue jeans. She was also wearing a pair of black and white vans. Her long, red hair was pulled into a neat ponytail and her simple makeup brought out her beautiful blue eyes.

At that moment, I realized that Dustin could be right. Maybe I had started to have feelings for a girl I had only met a few days ago.

A part of me felt as though Nancy loved someone else. That someone else being Jonathan Byers. I'd have to talk to her about it once she came back from wherever she was at the moment.

"So what exactly are you doing? Why'd you ask my sister and Lucas to come here?" Quinn asked, her attention directed towards Dustin and I.

"We're, um..."

"We're hunting a demogorgan!" Dustin replied casually, talking over me. I blushed as I looked over to see Quinn's confused face.

"A what?" She asked. I smiled sheepishly.

"Uh, why don't you come over here and I'll explain it to you." I said as I grabbed Quinn's hand as the kids started to get to work on Dustin and I's plan.

Quinn's POV
"So you're saying that a strange creature called a demorgoran was here last year and you fought and killed it but it's back?" I asked, still trying to process the information that Steve just gave me. The brunette nodded.

"Yeah. Basically," Steve replied. I frowned.

"Ok. Can you give me a minute so I can process all this? I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything you said," I said with a nervous laugh. Steve shrugged.

"Sure. Take all the time you need. I'm gonna go help the kids,"

With that, Steve walked over to a beat up old bus and started covering it in metal panels and making it into some sort of fort. Steve and the three kids also built some sort of trip wire and poured gasoline around the bus.

As it started getting dark, Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bus, closing the door behind us.

"So you're saying that you fought one of these before?" My sister asked while we were sitting in the bus. Steve nodded.


"And you don't think it was a bear?" Max asked. Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Ugh! No! You don't believe us so why don't you just go home!" He shouted in annoyance. Max frowned.

"Geez! What's the matter?! Is it past your bedtime?!" Max snapped angrily as she climbed up the ladder to sit up top with Lucas.

"There you go. Act like you don't care," Steve said with a smirk.

"I don't care!" Dustin snapped. Steve nodded.

"Right," Steve said with a wink. I frowned.

"What do you mean by acting like you don't care? Is that some sort of advice to pick up girls?" I asked. Steve nodded.


"No wonder your relationship with Nancy isn't going so well," I muttered. Steve blushed.

"Ouch, Quinn. That stung a little," Steve said with a chuckle. I shrugged.

"Sorry. I just wouldn't suggest acting like you don't care. That's not how you get a girl," I explained. Steve frowned.

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm a girl and I know," I replied with a shrug. Steve nodded.

"That's true," Steve said. I smiled.

"Guys, three o'clock!" Lucas shouted from above us. Steve, Dustin, and I peeked out the window to see the "demogorgan" that Steve had described. My eyes grew wide when I saw it.

"Oh my gosh! You were telling the truth, Steve!" I almost shouted. Steve shrugged.

"I'm a pretty honest person most of the time," He muttered.

"Why is he not taking the bait? Is he not hungry?" Dustin questioned. Steve's eyes grew wide.

"Or maybe he's tired of cow," Steve said as he grabbed his bat with nails in it and handed me a lighter.

"Be ready to light it up, ok?" He ordered as he got out of the bus and closed the door behind him.

Dustin and I watched Steve as he squared up against the demogorgan.

"Steve, three o' clock!" Lucas shouted. Steve looked over and I knew he saw another demogorgan. Three other demogorgans started to surround Steve too.

"Steve, abort! Abort!" Dustin shouted. Steve hesitated but I reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the bus and closing the door behind us.

I heard a demogorgan smack its head into the door and Lucas and Max climbed down the ladder. Max screamed as a demogorgan stuck its head through the opening in the top of the bus. Steve shoved my sister out of the way and aimed his bat at the demogorgan.

All of a sudden, the demogorgans started running away.

"What's happening?" I asked. Steve shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Let's follow them," he said as he grabbed my arm and we all left the bus, following after the demogorgans.

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