Chapter 16 - The Boat Shed

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Steve's POV
Quinn's car pulled up to Family Video just as I was giving a customer their rental vhs tape. She wasn't supposed to come in today so I wondered why she was here.

"Hey, Steve." Dustin said as he pushed opened the doors of the store with Max and Quinn right behind him. "How many phones to you guys have?"

"Did you guys see this? Someone was murdered," I said. Quinn rolled her eyes.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin said again. I shrugged.

"Uh, two. Why?"

"Technically three if you count the one in the back," Robin chimed in. Max nodded.

"Three works,"

"What are you doing?" I asked as Dustin tossed his bag across the counter and then jumped over the counter right behind his bag. "Dude! What are you doing, man?!"

"Setting up operations here," Dustin replied as he began to type away at our computer.

"Stop, get off of that." I whined, trying to push Dustin away from the computer. Quinn grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Dustin.

"Steve, leave Dustin alone. He needs the computer for something," she snapped. I frowned.

"What does he need it for?"

"We're looking for Eddie's friends' phone numbers," Dustin said before Quinn could answer.

"Oh Eddie. Your new best friend Eddie because you think he's cooler than me because he plays your stupid game," I snapped. Dustin nodded.

"Yeah. This is important,"

"Dustin, this is a Saturday, one of our most busy days. We need the computer," Robin argued. Dustin sighed.

"You don't understand. This is important. Quinn, fill them in." He said. Quinn grabbed Robin and I's arms and pulled us over to explain things to us.


Not too long after Quinn explained everything to Robin and I, we all worked together to find where Eddie could be.

"Ok. I think I got an answer. Eddie gets his drugs from someone called Reiffer Rick. Sometimes he crashes there," Max said as she set the phone down.

"Great. Where can we find him?" Dustin said. Max hesitated.

"They weren't sure. He's more of a legend than anything,"

"Did you get a last name?" Dustin pressed. Max shook her head.

"Maybe we don't need a last name," Robin said as she got into the computer. She then pulled up the list of Ricks who were registered at the Family Video store.

Robin listed off the movies that each Rick rented. After about four Ricks, we found who this Reiffer Rick could be.

"That address seems like it's in the middle of nowhere, out by Lover's Lake. That's the perfect place," Quinn said. Dustin nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go,"

Quinn's POV
We pulled up to Reiffer Rick's house and Dustin knocked on the door and called for Eddie but there was no reply. Steve rolled his eyes.

"No one's here, Dustin." Steve muttered. Dustin shrugged and kept looking. Max stopped and pointed her flashlight at a big shed.

"Hey guys," I said as I caught up with Max. The light was on outside the shed which had to mean that someone was in there.

We went inside and Steve grabbed an oar off the wall. He jabbed into the tarp that was laid on top of the boat.

"What are you doing?!" Dustin whisper-shouted in annoyance. Steve shrugged.

"What if he's in here? I'm checking,"

"Then just lift the tarp," Dustin argued. Steve shook his head.

"I'm not lifting the tarp. You lift the tarp,"

"Hey guys, it looks like someone has been here." Robin interjected. Dustin shrugged.

"Don't worry. Steve'll get him with his oar," the curly haired boy said sarcastically. Steve sighed.

"Hey, considering that everyone in this room has almost died a handful of times, I just want to be careful."

Suddenly, Eddie sprung up from under the tarp and jumped on Steve. He held Steve against the wall, holding a broken bottle to his neck, pressing the pointy glass into his neck.

"Eddie! It's me. And Robin from band. And my friend, Max, who never wants to play Dungeons and Dragons with us." Dustin explained, trying to stop Eddie from hurting Steve.

"I'm here too, Eddie. I'm Quinn, Max's sister. I have third period physics class with you," I said, jumping in since Dustin hadn't added me in. "And that's Steve Harrington. I'm sure you know who he is,"

Steve was sweating by now and looked pretty freaked out. Eddie pressed the glass further into Steve's neck and Steve backed further into the wall, not the least bit comfortable at the moment. Dustin instructed Steve to drop the oar he had been holding and he reluctantly complied.

"We're not here to hurt you. I swear on my mom's life that we just want to help you." Dustin said, placing his hand on his heart. The rest of us agreed with Dustin's statement. "We only wanna talk,"

Finally, Eddie removed the glass from Steve's neck and sat down. Steve coughed and then sat down on one of the boxes. I placed my hand on Steve's shoulder and then began inspecting where Eddie had had the glass stabbed into Steve's neck.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Steve nodded as he massaged his neck.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Nothing I couldn't handle,"

"You sure?"

"Yes. Wait, Quinn Mayfield, are you worried about me?" Steve said with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. But only because Eddie almost killed you," I snapped. Steve's face fell and he pushed my hand away. I sighed and walked over to Dustin and Eddie.

"Look man, even if I tell you, you won't believe me." Eddie muttered as Dustin pressed for him to tell us what happened last night.

"That's not true. You know how people say that Hawkins is cursed? Well, they're not too far off. There is another world below ours with strange creatures that leaks into ours sometimes so whatever you have to say probably isn't too crazy compared to the things we've seen," Dustin explained. Eddie sighed.

"Ok. What happened was that Chrissy just rose up into the air and then her bones, they... all just cracked. I didn't know what else to do so I ran," Eddie muttered. "And her eyes. It looked like something was in them. Like she was in a trance. Like..."

"Like she was under a spell," Dustin replied.

"A curse," Eddie whispered. Dustin's eyes grew wide.

"Vecna's curse,"

"Who's Vecna?" Steve asked. Dustin didn't keep his eyes off Eddie as he spoke.

"An undead being, a dark wizard. A spell caster whose only goal in life is world domination,"

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