Chapter 9 - Operation Child Endangerment

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Quinn's POV
When I got home, Max was already in our room. When I walked in the room, I noticed that she looked a little scared.

"Max? What's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to my sister on the bed, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"It's Billy. I think he's possessed by the Mind Flayer," Max said, a tear falling down her cheek. I frowned.

"How do you know that?" I asked. Max sighed.

"He attacked us and tried to kill El. His veins were black too. That's not normal," my sister replied, trembling.

I gave my sister a hug and sighed. I had been so wrapped up in work and the Russian spies in Starcourt that I had never realized that something might have been going on with Billy.

Billy had a job at the community pool and I just figured that that was where he was all the time but obviously more had been going on.

That more being that the gate was open again and Mind Flayer was taking victims.


The next day, the four of us were discussing how to enter the storage room without using the keycard that we had seen.

"The only way is if we have someone who can open the door from the inside," Dustin said. At that, Robin got up and left the break room. She then took all the tips out of the tip jar.

"Hey! Two thirds of that is Quinn and I's!" Steve called.

"I'll be right back. Just keep slinging ice cream and behave!" Robin said as she walked out the door.

Dustin licked the ice cream scooper and I smacked him in the back of the head. Steve noticed why and swiped the scooper back from Dustin.

"Dude, not the scooper. I need that to sling ice cream," Steve muttered, stuffing the ice cream scooper in his pocket.

"Are you gonna wash that?" I asked with a frown. Steve shook his head.


"Why?" I questioned.

"Because I don't feel like it," Steve muttered, shrugging. I sighed and grabbed the scooper out of Steve's pocket.

I washed it in the sink and then stuffed it back in Steve's pocket.

"There. It's clean now, but next time, you're cleaning it." I said. Steve nodded.

"Okay," he muttered half heartedly, not really paying attention to what I said.

"Ugh. Why don't you listen?" I whispered. Then I smirk. "You wanna make out in the back room?"

Steve's head turned immediately when I said that. Dustin wrinkled his nose in disgust and I laughed.

"I knew that would get your attention," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Steve walked over to me and played a bit with my hair.

"Darn right. Can we make out in the back room now?"

"No," I replied with a smirk. Steve frowned.

"You can't say that and then not do it. Go into the back room now," he scolded playfully. I saluted Steve mockingly.

"Yes sir,"

"Ugh. I think I'm gonna leave. That's disgusting," Dustin said, walking away from us.

"Don't go too far. You need to watch the front so I know when customers come in," Steve commented. Dustin frowned.


"Thanks man. You're great," Steve said as he leaned towards me and began making out with me.

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