Chapter 27 - I Still Love Him

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Quinn's POV
I stayed quiet as we walked through the woods, following behind Robin. Nancy walked over to me, a worried look her face.

"What did Steve say to you?" Nancy asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. He kind of told me that he dreams about us having a family together. With six little nuggets," I explained. Nancy's mouth gaped open.

"He said that?"

"Yeah. He did,"

"Well do you love him back? I mean, I see the way you two look at each other." Nancy said. I blushed.

"I don't know, Nancy. I still like Steve, but I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Nancy asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know," I muttered. Nancy nodded.

"I think I know. Is this about Billy? Are you scared that you'll lose Steve like you lost Billy?"

"Something like that. Steve just runs into things head on. I don't want to lose him because he's determined to be a hero," I explained. Nancy shrugged.

"That's understandable,"

Finally, we had cleared the woods and were directly across from the Creel house. We all made our way over to the playground to contact Erica.


"So far so smooth," Robin said. Steve shrugged.

"Yeah. We're not even at the hard part yet," He muttered. I walked towards the Creel house, feeling a bit shaken from what I had seen earlier.

"Take the bait," I whispered.


"Ok. She's in. Initiate phase three!" Erica called.

"She's in. Initiate phase three," Robin said into her supercomm to Dustin.

"Copy that. Initiating phase three," Dustin replied.

We entered the Creel house and Steve carefully navigated through the entryway, not wanting to trip over any of the vines on the floor.

It was hard navigating through the vines, especially for Robin. She was scared that she would trip over one of the vines.

As we got to the top of the steps, the ground shook and we all almost fell.

As Steve helped us up, the vines suddenly grabbed onto Robin and clung her to the wall.

"Steve! Nancy! Quinn! Help me!"

The three of us ran forward and began hacking away at the vines. Suddenly, the vines grabbed onto Steve and slammed him against the wall.


Just as I ran over to help, Nancy and I were swept off our feet by the vines and pulled towards the wall. The vines wound around our necks, beginning to choke us.


Just as I was about to shut my eyes, ready for death, the vines became loose and I fell to the ground. Steve fell down next to me, his eyes looking into mine.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm ok. You?" I asked. Steve nodded.

"Yeah. I think I'm good. Come on. Let's go kill Vecna,"

We made our way up to the attic and when we got there, we were standing in front of Vecna.

We lit one of the bottles of kerosene and threw it at Vecna, lighting him on fire.

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