Chapter 22 - Mini Gate

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Quinn's POV
We followed Dustin's compass all the way to Lover's Lake. Dustin would have fallen into the lake if Eddie wouldn't have stopped him.

"Watch your step big guy," Eddie muttered as he grabbed onto Dustin's sweatshirt.

"Oh man. You gotta be kidding me," Steve muttered. Eddie nodded.

"Yeah,  I thought these woods were familiar."

"Lover's Lake," Robin added.

"This is... confounding." Dustin muttered. Max frowned.

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?"

"Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way." Nancy replied. Steve frowned.

"Yeah. Only one way to find out," he muttered, not looking very excited.

We entered the shed that Eddie had been staying in before now and removed the tarp from the small rowboat that was inside.

The boys all carried the boat to the side of the lake and dropped it in the water.

"Easy, man. Easy." Steve ordered. Eddie frowned.

"Sorry dude,"

Robin climbed into the boat muttering something under her breath as she climbed over Steve.

As I climbed in after her, Eddie made a face.


As Dustin was about to climb in after me, Eddie stopped him.

"Hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds three people, tops."

"It's better this way," I added. "Nancy'll stay here to keep an eye on Max."

"Seriously?! It's my my theory!" Dustin added. I shook my head.

"You heard Quinn," Robin muttered. Dustin scoffed.

"Who put her in charge?!"

"I did," She replied. Dustin frowned as I held out my hand to him.

"Give me the compass, Dustin. We're gonna need it," I muttered. Dustin handed me the compass, not exactly happy to be giving it to me.

"Hey! There you go!" Steve shouted as he tossed his backpack to Dustin.

"Ow," Dustin muttered as the bag smacked him in the face. The curly haired boy then noticed that there were four of us in the boat. "You said three!"

"Sorry," Steve whispered back to Dustin as he pushed the boat into the water and jumped in.

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos! Miss you already!"Robin called. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok mom," I said teasingly. Robin shrugged.

"I'm just telling them what their parents would probably say. We don't want to get in trouble for them being out super late,"

"That's true,"


When we were almost to the center of the lake, the compass started going crazy. I instructed the others to stop, my eyes wide at the sight of the compass going absolutely nuts.

Robin flashed her light onto the compass so we could get a good look at the compass.

"Guys, what's going on?" Dustin asked through his radio. "Come on guys, talk to me. What's going on?"

"Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a captial ahhh." Robin answered.

Suddenly, Steve began to remove his sneakers.

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