Chapter 11 - Back to the Future

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Quinn's POV
We opened the door and Dustin tased every Russian in front of us with the taser we had found. I rushed over to Steve and Robin and began to untie them. Steve smiled when he saw Dustin.

"Henderson! I was just talking about you!" He said as I finished untying him.

"Steve?! Are you ok?!" I asked as I untied Robin. Steve laughed almost drunkily as he nodded.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I missed you, beautiful. Give me a kiss darling," Steve whispered, leaning close to me. I stopped him.

Any other time I would have loved to give Steve a kiss but now wasn't the time.

"Would love to, Steve, but we need to get out of here now." I replied, grabbing Steve's hand and pulling him out the door.

I shoved Steve and Robin in the back of the cargo truck and I jumped in after them. Dustin got in the driver's seat and Erica jumped in next to him.

Dustin swerved back and forth as he drove towards the elevator. Steve and Robin were arguing in the back about the Indy 500 and I tried to tune them out as much as possible.

"Dustin watch out!" Erica shouted. Dustin put his foot on the breaks and stopped the cargo truck abruptly in front of the elevator. Steve and Robin smacked their heads off the wall of the truck and groaned in pain.

"You guys ok?" The curly haired boy asked.

"No," they muttered, rubbing their heads. Dustin shrugged.

"They're fine,"

I used the keycard we had gotten and opened the elevator. We were able to start it up almost immediately and as the elevator started ascending, Steve jumped on a red metal platform cart and pretended to surf. Robin pushed the cart back and forth and accidentally threw Steve off.

"Wipeout!" Robin shouted as Steve toppled to the floor.

"Are you guys drugged?" Dustin asked. He cupped Steve's face in his hand and then began to inspect his eyes. "His pupils are dilated."

"How many times, dad. I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana," Steve said with a smile. I crouched down in front of Steve and he touched my nose with his pointer finger.

"Boop," he said as he laughed drunkily. I sighed.

"Steve, this is important. They're gonna be looking for us when we get up top. Where did you park your car?" I asked. Steve touched my nose again.


"Steve, stop it." I said as I pushed his hand away.

"Can we make a pit stop at the food court? I'm starving," Steve asked. Robin nodded.

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick," she replied. I rolled my eyes.

"You can get all the food you want but first tell us where you parked your car," I begged.

"Uh oh," Steve suddenly said. I frowned.

"Uh oh?"

"The car's off the board," the brunette said as he dug in his pockets for the keys. "The Russians, they took my keys. Like forever ago,"

I sat there, not sure whether to scream or cry. Steve had picked me up for work today so my car was at home which left us with Robin's petal bike and that obviously wasn't an option. Steve must have noticed how frustrated I looked and caressed my cheek in his hand.

"Hey. It's ok. Everything is gonna be fine," Steve said with a sad smile. I almost thought that he might have sobered up somewhat but as we got to surface, it was obvious he hadn't.

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