[mini bianchi]: Charles Leclerc

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Request: (anonymous) you were only 2 weeks old when your father Jules Bianchi passed, but you had always been close to Charles and with Charlotte had almost become a little family ❤️

Request: (anonymous) you were only 2 weeks old when your father Jules Bianchi passed, but you had always been close to Charles and with Charlotte had almost become a little family ❤️

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Being Jule Bianchi's daughter, it wasn't always easy for Charles when you came to stay with him and Charlotte. Of course he loved you infinitely, especially given that 'Charles' was your first word, but as you got older you reminded him more and more of your late father, and his godfather. Aged three now, your mother would let you stay the night with antione's godson and it had started become a regular occurrence, often once a month, Charles and Charlotte were almost like second parents to you now.

You'd been dropped after dinner, fully packed with spare pyjamas, clothes for tomorrow, your baby toothbrush and of course Turbo the beloved tiger your father had gifted you before he'd passed. Not only sacred to you but also Charles - he found it held some of Jule's spirit in it, even years after his passing. It was a rare yet peacefully rainy day in Monaco so you, Charlotte and Charles had all piled into the living to watch a film before bed. Your favourite Cars 2 was selected, making Charlotte laugh at how even though you'd grown so much in the time you'd known her your film choice had never changed. "Kachow!" You exclaimed as you watched and marvelled at the fast racing cars flying by on the screen. In this moment it brought a smile to Charles' face that he could see your father in you, a familiar glint of curiosity around racing was in your eye, one that he often saw in Jule's. However despite your extreme fascination, the sweet couple looked over to find your curled up in charlotte's lap fast asleep, soft snores leaving your delicate lips. She picked you up and carried you to the apartment's spare room and tucked you into the bed, old enough now not to need a cot. She and Charles decided to go to sleep as well and they left the door open to your room before retiring to their bed.

Although you were unaware of time yet, at around 3am you awoke with a start, your small body jolting as the once calming rain had turned into a thunderstorm. Loud lighting cracked and dark thunder rumbled outside the window making you clutch turbo in a hopes to comfort yourself but your bottom lip started to tremble and you realised you needed a hug. You weren't much of a crier so instead of screaming out like normal toddlers you slipped from the covers pulling turbo with you and crept into their bedroom. Even in the dark you could make out the plush double bed and their peaceful figures. Hoisting yourself up onto the bed your crawled between them and Charlotte turned over groggy but not annoyed, "hey y/n you okay?" "Mm" you nodded whilst lying down again. "Good you can sleep here" she offered a warm smile and pulled the covers over you before turning back over to go to sleep again. You fiddled with turbo's arms but gasped as Charles' hand moved out and grabbed him making you giggle. "Can't sleep huh?" Charles mumbled and brought you closer to cuddle, he felt you shake your head against his chest, "scared of the thunderstorm? Your dad never liked them either..." he smiled to himself. "I'm not scared and I'm going to sleep now Charlie!" You huffed sassily, not admitting you were indeed scared of the storm outside. "Yeah Sure sure y/n" he teased but let it be, rubbing your tiny arm with his warm fingers, "want turbo?" "No." You sighed and snuggled closer, drifting into a deep sleep just as Charlotte had done moments ago, "fine" he hummed and placed turbo next to him, you tucked under one of his arms and the fluffy tiger under the other, the only sound was the hushed breathing of you and Charlotte. Charles hummed contently, the last few years had been rough but now he was so grateful for where it had got him, at this specific moment he had his two favourite girls cuddled up next to him, all his family close where he could keep them safe.

A/n: I thought this request was so cute, I hope I wrote it close to how you'd imagined - sorry it was kinda short <3

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