🎄[about damn time]: Lando Norris

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Christmas prompt (No.97): "I guess we have to seeing as we're under the mistletoe."
For lovely: LovingHeart6

Word count: 1327

The annual Christmas party, held by none other than your best friend's family was finally upon you again

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The annual Christmas party, held by none other than your best friend's family was finally upon you again. You and your mum always got new dresses for the special event - you'd chosen a glittery mini dress, that did look rather good even if you did say so yourself.

So when you entered the Norris family home, Lando's sweet face contorted into a smile as you appeared in your sparkly dress, but he quickly turned his head to hide it. Ever since you were little you two had been inseparable, you'd been friends for as long as you could remember. A few years ago, a young and in love Lando asked you to be his girlfriend, and in fear of ruining your golden friendship you politely declined. However his feelings had never changed for you, and yours had turned around for the better as of recent times.

You spotted him in a dashing suit and immediately ran over to him, hugging him tightly. He lifted you in the air and spun you round, "my favourite y/l/n" he whispered in to your hair, "Don't tell my mum that, she'll be heartbroken!" You gasped theatrically making Lando burst out in laughter. You pulled him towards your usual spot at parties, the room filled with food. You gathered a various array of festive treats on a plate and sat under the table, for traditions sake.

"Tell me everything! It's been ages! You're always away..." You complained to your best friend. It had been a little over a month since you'd seen him last, which was pretty good going considering he was always away at grand prixs. "You do know you have a paddock pass right? You literally take up the slot of my only annual vip guest!" He retorted "I don't get why you don't come to the races with me?"

"Hey I need that pass so I can come when I feel like it!" You replied whilst rolling your eyes. "Besides you know some of us actually have a life stupid."

"I have life too!" Lando defended himself.

"I'm joking! Besides you're a very big part in my life, and you know it." You said without really thinking about it, of course it was true but you'd never really admitted it to yourself before. Lando's heart swelled with pride and he smiled at you with crinkled eyes. You cocked your head to the side at his sudden change in demeanour, trying to figure out what he was thinking. God he looks so handsome, you thought to yourself. Little did you know but Lando was also admiring you, it had been a pass time he was rather fond of.

Your nice moment was interrupted however by both your mothers lifting up the table cloth. They chuckled at their adult children sat cross legged under the oak furniture, "I told you we'd find them here!" Cisca told your mum delightedly, "You two never change, always together!" They peered down at you both before your own mother spoke up, "We didn't want to interrupt your little catch up but we thought you'd let you know it's your last chance to dance together! It starts in 2 minutes guys."

"Oh okay! We're coming" you said excitedly and came out from under the table, dragging Lando with you and brushing mince pie crumbs from around your mouth. "Ugh do we have to?" He sighed, "Yes!" Both you and his mother said in unison, which left you and him a little confused but let it be. Of course you and Lando were blissfully unaware that your families were just waiting for the day you two became a couple, 'a match made in heaven' as many of them called it. You lead him by his hand to the dance floor where 'have yourself a merry little Christmas' was playing. You joined the various couples slow dancing together, making your way to a an empty space in the middle of the room.

You wrapped your hands around his neck and he lightly placed his hands on your waist, holding you close and letting both of your bodies rock to the song. Your head rested on his shoulder and you breathed in scent of his after shave, humming at the familiar smell. For a moment it felt as if you were the only ones in the room, the cosy fire crackling and the dulled Christmas bells jingling in your ear. Your torsos were touching and a wonderfully warm sensation came from this embrace, you savoured the feeling of being close to someone so special to you.

"I can't keep pretending!" Lando exclaimed suddenly, bringing you out of your momentary ecstasy, and scowled to himself at the thought of confronting his feelings again. But this time you were both older, more mature, and he realised that he wanted you more than anything.

"What do you mean Lando?" You lifted your head off his chest and looked into his clear blue eyes, clearly confused by the sudden outburst.

"I can't keep pretending like I'm not completely and utterly in love with you!" He admitted truthfully and brushed a piece of hair from your forehead.

You sighed deeply and let a wide smile creep onto your face, this had been a long time coming. "Took you long enough to tell me! I think we've been in love with each other for a while now...just too scared to admit it." You reflected on the past couple of months that had so much awkward romantic tension between you two, it was almost unbearable. "To be fair you did reject me the first time!" He said, justifying why it took him so long to be frank. "Okay okay." You thought of what to say next, blatantly saying what immediately came to mind: "Can I kiss you?" You asked with a giggle. 

Lando chuckled and placed his hand on your cheek, "I guess we have to seeing as we're under the mistletoe." You looked up at his words and saw the delicate flowers, decorated with waxy white berries and deep green leaves hanging from the ceiling. As you let your gaze come back to your best friend you gasped slightly when his lips brushed over yours. A warm sensation travelled along your body whilst Lando trailed his fingers up your waist, completing the tradition of the festive ritual. Your lips moved in unison, dizziness and excitement all bundled into one to form a static electricity between you two.

Lando's heart fluttered when your tongue slid over his, and every concern you had before you locked lips was gone. Your mouths worked at the same time, both of you on cloud nine. The two of you were focused on each other and the rest of the world blurred around you, so when someone cheered you gasped and looked up abruptly. You both looked around to see the room empty with only your families stood in the doorway, all faces plastered with wide smiles. Lando wrapped his arm around your waist and a light pink hue came to your cheeks, how long had they been standing there?

"Finally! God y/n he's been talking nonstop about you it's about damn time!" Flo explained to you, her comment caused you to smirk and look at Lando with raised eyebrows. He rolled his eyes at his sister but turned to you, "well it's true baby." He admitted and placed a kiss on your forehead. The nickname making butterflies flutter in your stomach.

"Our plan worked!" Cisca said triumphantly, looking at ceiling with a knowing look in her eye. "Wait what?!" You and your best friend said in unison, following her eyes to see the White flowered plant above your heads. "Who do you think put the mistletoe there? You aren't the only ones that wanted this too happen for a long time."

A/n: hope you enjoyed this read! It was so cute too write - a Christmas party with Lando actually sounds lush

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