[realisation]: Mick shumacher

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Request for: LovingHeart6
Prompt: "are you wearing my shirt?"
Word count: 1856

Even you had to admit it was rather cliché of you to fall in love with the boy next door

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Even you had to admit it was rather cliché of you to fall in love with the boy next door. Although you were only a few months old the first time you met Mick, it was when your mothers who were best friends decided to move next to each other that things really kicked off. The age difference of two years never bothered either of you and a bond was instantly apparent. You grew up by each other's sides and in reality, when you were in that close proximity with Mick and his fluffy blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes and charismatic personality, how were you not supposed to fall in love with him?

The heartbreaking thing for you however, was that he never showed any sign of returning your feelings. After the many years you'd spent apart, drifting as you became adults, it was something you'd accepted. To be frank, you tell yourself you've moved on however a glimmer of hope always lingered at the back of your mind. For it was not only you upset that this perfect match had not come to together, but everyone around you as well. All your friends and family just assumed it was a given, that you and Mick would get married and live happily ever after, well that's how the story was supposed to go. But he was focusing on his F1 career and you had your own dreams to aspire too, so a natural divergence of your paths had evolved.

On this particular weekend you and your mother had been invited to spend two days with the Schumacher family. Your childhood homes were no longer where each of your parents resided so early this morning you had gotten the train from your house close to Lake Geneva in Switzerland. It'd been so long since you'd seen them all that when Corinna was telling you in the car that Mick would be coming in later today you took in a deep influx of air. Your eyes went wide just thinking about what he was like now, admitting to yourself that keeping up with his media wasn't really a good indication. Little did you know he also kept regular tabs on your own instagram, noting about a year ago how much you'd matured. You'd always been beautiful, everybody knew it, but it only took this long for Mick to catch on.

When you sat down in the grand living room of the Swiss mansion, Mick's mum was a very gracious host and served some tea. But just as you brought up the fragile China cup, dotted with purple wisteria, to your lips your hand slipped and the amber liquid trickled down onto your white top. You whined and your mother scolded you for being so clumsy. Even at the age of 21 you still managed to make a fool of yourself. Corinna fussed over you in a motherly way, always treating you like a second daughter, insisting on washing the soiled T-shirt.

"I don't have any others though." You internally whacked yourself for not bringing a spare change, foolish to think you could get away with one top for two days. "Oh don't be silly my love! Mick's room is down the hall, second on the left, I'm sure you remember." She smiled warmly, "Take one of his I know he won't mind!"

You knew there was no use protesting so you did as she said and sure enough as you cracked open the door to his room you noted it had barely changed. His double bed was still there, the one you'd shared as children, the window you'd looked out over the lake from, the wardrobe you would both hide in. All these memories which had been forgotten were coming back. You sifted through his chest of drawers, trying to find a suitable top. That's quite small, you thought to yourself, looks like the best option. It was a little big on you, resting just below your bum and covering the shorts you were wearing, but it did the job.

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