[mon bébé]: Pierre Galsy

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(Anon) Request!! -> when being both Pierre's ex-girlfriend and the mother of his son is going fine but then his new girlfriend posts him on social media and it goes down hill...

Word count: 1742

Being Pierre Gasly's ex girlfriend was challenging sometimes, you were often still bombarded by the media and paparazzi

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Being Pierre Gasly's ex girlfriend was challenging sometimes, you were often still bombarded by the media and paparazzi. So when you became pregnant with Noah, conveniently 2 weeks after you and Pierre had broken up, you were determined to make sure he wasn't exposed to the limelight that came with his father or yourself.

With Pierre's busy career you had Noah a majority of the time. It was hard not to follow his father's life given that it was so glamorised and you often found yourself scowling at the TV even though you knew you shouldn't let it effect you. Nonetheless you took great displeasure watching him sleep around and play with all these young models whilst you were housebound, having given up your life at only 23 for the child you supposedly shared.

From the moment Noah was born, and throughout these two years he'd been in the world, he'd brought happiness with him and a sort of peace treaty between you and Pierre. If you were being honest however, you weren't sure how long it was going to last, with Pierre getting more and more frustrated about the time he missed with his son due to grand prixs, and you increasingly feeing tired and drained from the full time job of looking after a toddler.

So when the opportunity for Noah to spend the weekend with his father arose, you were both practically jumping for joy.


The long awaited Saturday night rolled around, you spent a long time getting ready for a dinner you'd planned with an old friend of yours. You managed to fit into one of your favourite dresses, surprised that your post-partum body could squeeze into the skinny piece of fabric. Simple makeup had always been your style, so a thin coating of mascara and a quick swipe of lipstick was all you needed. Noah chatted away with no meaning as toddlers always did and played with his toy trains on the floor whilst you got ready, always staying close by so you could keep an eye on him. Despite the fact your son was particularly clingy to his mother you knew he would be excited to see his father, almost as excited as you were to get out of the house and go out for once. "We have to go now Noah" you smiled warmly at your son, sometimes he really was the spitting image of Pierre, especially in this lighting as the sun set in Monaco. "No! I want to play still" Noah stamped his foot. "You can play at Daddy's" you tried to bargain with him, sometimes he did drive you insane, Noah did not only mirror his dad in terms of looks but also his stubbornness.

Eventually you managed to convince him and on the way to the restaurant, you pulled up to Pierre's apartment building and picked up Noah to rest on your hip, his small overnight bag in hand. A quick knock on the door and it was soon opened, by none other then Pierre's new girlfriend. Even younger then the last, and much to your distaste with  a gorgeous tan and large brown eyes. "Hello Noah!" She cooed at your son in your arms, who turned away from her taunting finger, much to your amusement. Shortly after he heard your arrival, Pierre came to the door also and Noah reached out for his father.

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