[getting ready]: George Russell

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"Please y/n" George begged, you'd just walked in the door from going out with your friends and he'd immediately started asking you to come to the Mercedes event  with him tonight "I want to show you off!"

"I'm not very showingoffable" you mumbled, slightly embarrassed by yourself and yet you froze up when thinking about the countless stunning women that were going to be at this event. There always were at the f1 parties, with perfect boobs and white teeth and nice tanned skin - in your mind you were nothing compared to them. And yet George snorted at your response, clearly amused "darling I don't even think that's a word"

"Oh shush you know what I mean" you swatted him playfully whilst untying your shoelaces.

"Everyone knows we're together now and you always come to grand prixs with me I just think-" he rambled on.

"That's different!" You said defensively.

"How?" He cocked his head to the side in anticipation for your answer.

"At least I can just hide in the Mercedes garage at the grand prixs" you rolled your eyes at his cocky face turning up in a smirk.

"It'll be all the same people love" he kissed a peck to your forehead, knowing it was your weak spot, wrapping his strong arms round your waist. You hummed and caved into his warm embrace, mulling over the risks; you'd never been to one of these before. "Please y/n, for me? I'll be by your side the whole night" he kissed you on the lips this time, his soft touch making you melt. "Fine! But I don't even have a dress George you realise"

"About that..." you boyfriend took your hand and lead you to living room where a beautiful dress was layed out on the sofa. You squealed and ran over to pick it up, admiring the intricate design. "George you didn't have to do thi- oh my god!" You gasped and internally winced at the amount of money as your eyes caught the Dior price tag. "I can't believe you payed this much money George" you scolded him but your heart also fluttered at the kind gesture. "Only for you baby" he came over and kissed you again, you held his jaw with your hand and pulled him closer deepening the kiss. His warm tongue ran over your bottom lip wanting to gain entrance but you pulled away before it could go further. You were both breathless, "what on earth would you have done if I'd said no huh?" You said half panting, glancing at the very expensive dress next to you.

"Well I was going to eat you out if my begging wasn't enough, as a last hope to convince you" he said lowly in a seductive voice against your neck.

"You were gonna seduce me into coming?!" You exclaimed at his sultry remark and drew back your head slightly to look in his crystal blue eyes that now held a hint of mischief in them.

"Coming on my tongue or coming to the party?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively making you giggle, he was so immature sometimes. Without a reply you leapt up from the sofa and into the bathroom with the dress in hand. You rummaged around in your makeup draw hoping to freshen up the previous makeup from your girls brunch.

A warm gold eyeshadow was brushed over your lids to compliment your bright eyes and a subtle pink swiped over your lips to plump them slightly. You always liked to go more on the natural side in terms of makeup and George always liked that about you. You then carefully removed the tag from the dress and slipped it on, no surprise George had found your exact size and it fit perfectly. It was long and black, slipping silkily down to your ankles and with a deep v-neck cut front that made your cleavage look great (even if you did say so yourself). You quickly twirled in the bathroom mirror and once satisfied with your appearance you stepped out of the bathroom.

George was now in a smart tuxedo, you now caught on it was a black tie event, he looked even more handsome then normal if it was possible. You walked past him to find your black heels but you were stopped along the way, his cool fingers tracing your hips to turn you round. George tongue wet his lips as he took in your appearance, exhaling in a flustered matter whilst his eyes subtly trailed to where the v-neck showed your bare skin.

"I know I said it was a last resort but you look so bloody gorgeous I might have to follow through with my plan..." the Brit's hands tan up and down your sides in a seductive way causing a warmth to form in your abdomen.

But you were snapped out of the lustful trance as your remembered the time. "George! This is my first time going to one of these I'm most certainly not being late" you giggled at hai pouring lip and disappointed face. "There's plenty time for that afterwards."

"I'm counting on it love" he winked and took one last look at you before allowing you to slip your heels on.

A/n: George in a suit>>

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