[party shenanigans]: Daniel Ricciardo

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Little draft - enjoy ;)
Word count: 1608

You were at one of your friends house, sat on the sofa watching a film when she suddenly turned to you

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You were at one of your friends house, sat on the sofa watching a film when she suddenly turned to you. "Wanna go to a party tonight y/n?" She asked with an excited look. "I would but I've had such a long day I'm not sure I want to be surrounded by sweaty frat boys for the rest of the evening"

"No no y/n! It's not like that, a colleague of mine Emilia know someone who's been invited to this party." She rambled on, "we'd have to get cleaned up I think it's quite a big event, the host is literally a millionaire. Emilia said he was 'tall and dark and handsome' but is actually single - heaven knows why." The thought made you sigh which caused your friend turn to you with pleading eyes. "Please come with me y/n, it won't be the same without you there!"

Despite suppressing an internal groan, you decided to go to this party after all. You and your friend spent around an hour getting ready, and you had to say you both looked amazing. She wore a sparkly
Black dress that always looked great in flashy lighting, and you a white mini dress that was slightly tight but it accentuated your figure so nicely it was worth the struggle your friend insisted. "So who is this rich man who's hosting then? Anyone we know?" you inquired.

"Oh my goodness you'll never guess!" Your friend squealed, "Daniel Ricciardo" she blurted out as if it were a big secret.

"Who?" You scrunched up your nose in confusion, were you meant to know who this was?

"THE Daniel Ricciardo" you friend repeated with a heavily emphasised 'the' as if it helped you remember this man you'd never heard of.

"Nope. Not ringing any bells" you mumbled whilst brushing mascara through your eyelashes.

"Oh come on y/n" your friend scoffed, "you must know him from formula one"

"Not really, 20 men driving in weird circles every weekend never really interested me" you replied honestly making your friend scowl.


When you arrived, your senses were immediately met with the loud music and flaring lights, all mixed with the loud chatter of people socialising. Your friend burst through the front doors and into the penthouse, squealing and running over to a girl you didn't recognise and should've probably remembered the name of. Your eyes scanned the luxurious apartment, rolling your eyes at all the lavishly decorated walls. "Bet this cost 20 million" you muttered under you breath.

"Add another 2 and you've got the number bang on!" An Aussie accent rang in your ears. You turned around with wide eyes, shocked that anyone had heard you. You were met by none other than the 'tall, dark and handsome host who was surprisingly single'. "Oh I didn't mean it in a bad way!" You said, cheeks heating up. "Well you said it rather bitterly" the man replied with a smirk.

"You must be Mr Ricciardo" you changed the subject as your cheeks stayed flushed and you felt his eyes scanning your appearance. "Please call me Daniel, have we met before?" He offered a flashy grin, even in the pounding colourful lights you could see he was quite handsome. "Uh no my friends over there, I think she's a friend of a friend of a friend or something like that" you chuckled "she was so excited to come..."

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