[mini bianchi; Pt.2]: Charles Leclerc

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Requested/Written for: Mandolin016 avengersonly💋💋
Hope you enjoy, an extension from a previous chapter where you were Jules Biachi's daughter born before he passed away, rest in peace 🕊️

Word count: 1357

It was the big day, your first competition in karting

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It was the big day, your first competition in karting. Aged 7 now, you'd taken up this hobby a few months ago, gaining a knack for the sport quite quickly given the natural talent you'd inherited. Despite your mother's protests, with Charles' support the whole way and a promise to be extremely careful you'd managed to start down the path your father had made, following in his footsteps.

But along with the talent also came the Bianchi name, a very large title to live up too and soon enough the pressure had set in. A rack of nerves was brewing inside of you as you did your warm ups, Charles watching from nearby as your trainer got you ready to raise. Everyone around you knew it was early on to have a trainer and other professionals already supporting you however you seemed to be very serious about this and were keen to do yourself and your father proud, encouraged by Charles that this was a career you could pursue.

Charles knew you too well though, and watched with concerned eyes as he recognised the anxiety in you, partly because he'd known you since you were born and partly because he too had felt that fear as a youngster. "I'm going to check on her." He told Charlotte and Camille before getting up from his seat.

He made his way over to you and dismissed your trainer after saying a quick hello, you were definitely warm enough now. "Hey" you mumbled, looking at the floor instead of him. "Y/n mon amour" he consoled you in your father's native tongue, knowing it would soothe you. He placed one hand on your shoulder and used the other to tilt your head up by your chin. As your eyes met his you could see the loving look in his bright hues, your anxieties melting slightly. "Nerves are natural. But you don't have anything to worry about. Everyone knows you have talent now just go out their and do what you do best!" He said with a warm smile.

You could sense the pride radiating from your godfather, and also the love he had for you. From the day you were born and Jules asked him to be your godfather Charles had never loved someone more. "Okay" you nodded "let's do this!" You bubbled with excitement and turned around to give your childish toothy grin to the stands. Charlotte waved with both hands encouragingly and your mother blew a kiss, hiding the worry that she held inside of her. It took her a long time to let you even go near a kart and even longer to get over your father's death, which she wasn't fully healed from. You reminded her of Jules everyday, in more ways then one you were just like him, but particularly the passion you both held for motorsports was showing today. Her knee jumped up and down with nerves, Charlotte noticed and placed a supportive hand on her thigh. "Y/n is a really good driver Camille. Don't worry" she reassured with a small smile. Camille returned it and glanced at the track, telling herself you'd be okay, especially with Charles' guidance.

You gave one last hug to your godfather before running off towards the race track where your kart was being put in place. "Go get em'!" Charles called and watched as your little legs weaved between people to get to your red car, a colour you personally requested so you could be just like Charles. "Good luck" he whispered under his breath and sighed, god I love this kid.

He made his way back to the stands for the start of the race, sitting down next to Charlotte and placing a kiss on her cheek. "She's so excited" he informed his girlfriend and your mother. The stands were buzzing with anticipation, filled with similarly supportive parents.

Because it was for children, the race was very informal compared to formula one, a raised flag replaced the lights that signalled 'Go'. You were slightly shakey in your kart, starting from p5 of 12 racers you were determined to climb up through the positions. The black flag fell and an eruption of sound was emitted as all the cars skidded from their starting positions. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you sped round the first corner, only 20 laps in this race to get to the top.

Charles sat forward in his seat, watching with intent at the cars that sped past, "good start" he mumbled to himself, your own personal commentator. The 12 cars were gliding on the tarmac, all of you holding that similar competitive nature all children held.

10 laps down, halfway. Go get em'  Charles' words emulated in your mind as you approached the cars in second and third, dipping on the inside, overtaking both of them with incredible skill. "Let's go y/n!" Charles exclaimed, admiring your talent.

All of a sudden the two cars you'd passed came into contact and spun off the track, making a collective gasp leave the parents mouths. "What happened?" You yelled and looked in you rear mirror. "Keep going y/n!" Charles called loud enough for you to hear as you passed. You took his advice and decided to persevere, not letting it faze you seeing as they were unharmed physically.

"The last laps ladies and gents" the race regulator called from his box. Charlotte held her breath for you, watching as you gained on the child in first who struggled to keep his confidence as you came up his rear. "You can do it baby" Camille whispered thinking no one could hear and yet it brought a smile to Charles' face, knowing that she supported you.

The finish line was insight, and you weren't going to settle for second. Only ten metres and you pushed hard on the acceleration, jutted to the right and sailed past your competitor, crossing the finish line for first. "Yes!" You screamed and parked up the car, getting out and jumping up and down triumphantly.

"Woo!" Charlotte cheered and clapped her hands, looking to her left slightly shocked as Charles jumped from his seat and whistled loudly. "That's my goddaughter!" He yelled, making all the parents chuckle at his excitement for your win. He ran from the stands and picked you up under you arms, placing you on his shoulders and parading you around as if you were the trophy. You giggled at his sillyness and waved at your mum who chuckled at the sight, she was barley visible through the visor of you race helmet. Charlotte managed to snap a picture of this moment on her phone, you at your first race win on your godfather's shoulders who had an incredibly wide grin on his face. Little did she know this picture would be framed and stay hung above your bed forever.

The monegasque placed you on the floor for you to collect the small gold trophy your were awarded. You turned to look at your three very proud supporters, your eyes noticing the bikini straps under Charlotte's dress. You remembered what your mother had told you, about the commitments Charles and Charlotte had put aside to come and watch you race.

"Sorry you had to miss some of your yacht party for this." You mumbled and looked at the floor after removing your helmet, suddenly feeling guilty for taking away from your godfather's busy and luxurious social life. "Are you joking?" Charles teased and ruffled your hair which was already messy from the helmet, "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Exactly." Charlotte agreed "You had such an amazing race y/n. Make sure you remember me when you're a famous formula one driver okay?"

"Hey hey" Camille said with her arms wrapped around your shoulders, "I don't know if I'm going to let you get that far sweetheart"

"Mum!" You protested and tried to get out of her tight, motherly grasp. "That's so unfair!"

"Hey" Charles scolded. "Be nice to your mum y/n. She does a lot for you, you know" he rubbed Camille's arm supportively, knowing she would've been scared for you today.

"You're dad would've been so proud of you hun" your mum caressed your back with her warm hands and you turned to give her a tight hug.

A/n: thought this idea was so adorable. It must be so hard for Camille after Jules' passing :((

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