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So dinner with Ateez was normal, for the most part. Thanks to Hongjoong and Seonghwa yelling at Wooyoung and Yunho; or else there would not have been any food left. They acted like they had not eaten in months.

After the eventful dinner, the boys did their share of cleaning and they were off to their rooms. I finished wiping the counter and Seonghwa dried off the rest of the dishes; placing them in the cabinets. The question was running around in my head and I finally slammed down the rag and turned to Seonghwa. He closed the cabinet door and turned to give me a confused, but annoyed look.

"What is it now?" He asked cocking an eyebrow at me. He wiped his hand with the dish rag and leaned back against the counter.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I came out and asked. There was no way to beat around it.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged it off, looking away. He was making it look like whatever was on the fridge was more interesting than my question.

"I know there has to be a reason. But from what I have seen I have not once did wrong by you guys. I have not even been here for a whole day yet." I rolled my eyes. I got fed up when he just ignored me and I threw my rag at him.

He effortlessly caught it with his other hand and glared at me. I was about to make a snarky comment but I was cut off the moment I opened my mouth.

"What are you two talking about?" Hongjoong asked, innocently as he waltzed into the kitchen area and retrieved his drink from the fridge. I saw Seonghwa shot me an evil look.

"Nothing specifically." Seonghwa shrugged it off and brushed past me, causing me to stumble into the counter.

"I'm going to bed, good night." The oldest mumbled and the leader just sighed.

"I'm heading to the studio, I'll be back in a few hours." Hongjoong got his jacket off the back of the chair and took a sip from his water bottle.

Without a second glance, Hongjoong walked past me. With that being said, the leader walked out of the dorm and I was left alone in the kitchen. Another moment where I am questioning that the CEO was not losing his mind when he assigned me this role.

I decided to go into my room as I switched off the kitchen light. I stopped in my tracks as I noticed that my things were replaced with Hongjoong's. I turned around to scream down the hallway at the others, when Mingi popped his head out of what used to by Hongjoong and Seonghwa's room.

"By the way, Hongjoong called us to switch your rooms. He said something along the lines of, 'you two need to learn to get along.' I think." Mingi raised an eyebrow as if to try and think back to the call that he supposedly had with Hongjoong.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I mentally rolled my eyes as I pushed off the wall and walked towards Seonghwa's room.

"Trust me, I'm not thrilled about the idea either." Seonghwa mumbled as he got under his covers as I walked into the room.

Mingi left the room and switched off the light as the door closed. I climbed into bed and decided against watching video on my phone and just lied there. I listened to Seonghwa's breathing start to get lighter and more even as he fell fast asleep.

I groaned as the bright light lit up the room. I rolled over as I heard someone playing music and screaming. Rubbing my eyes I saw Mingi waving his phone as a song blared from it. I watched as Seonghwa threw a pillow towards the end of his bed and shot it with his foot. It flew and hit Mingi square in the head and I couldn't hold in the laughter.

Mingi fell to the ground and his phone dropped out of his hand. He was mumbling something as he picked up the pillow and chucked it back at Seonghwa.

"Hongjoong said to get out of bed, wash up and we have to meet at the practice room in an hour." Mingi walked over and yanked Seonghwa's blanket off and it landed on the floor.

"Get out before I throw you out." Seonghwa growled in warning and Mingi just rolled his eyes.

"Good morning, Addison." Mingi smiled at me as he saluted before walked out of the room.

"Jesus, what time is it?" I groaned as I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the small stand. The screen turned on and my eyes widened. "It is six in the morning?!"

"Yeah, don't worry you will get used to it." Seonghwa yawned and got out of bed. I looked at him and giggled as his hair stuck up in all directions. He quickly made his bed and grabbed a towel from the back of the door.

"I am not an Idol like you guys are." I stated as I sat up and stretched.

"I know that, but you have to be on the same schedules as us in order to help and to manage us."

"Last time I checked, I was just a manager to this group, not a constant babysitter." I mumbled.

"And last time I checked, I was an Idol, not a mother to six other children." He snapped back. "I'm going to take a shower before we have to leave. You better be dressed and out of the room before I get back."

He slammed the door behind him and I flinched. Maybe it was because he was not a morning person?  I could not figure it out. Getting up I made my bed and changed into a pair of joggers and a loose colorful crop top. Brushing out the knots from my hair, I put it up in a messy bun and grabbed my phone and airpods from the stand.

Walking out of the room, it was so quiet that I could hear the water running and Seonghwa singing to the music that played on his phone. He had an amazing voice. Come to think of it, I haven't even heard of Ateez, I don't even know what their music sounds like. Making a mental note to search up their songs later, I plopped down in a chair by the table and waited.

Judging by the other rooms and how silent the house was, it seemed like everyone else was at the company already. Scrolling through social media, I smiled as I saw Stray Kids posted a selca on Instagram.

"Don't let Hongjoong see that." I jumped out of my skin as Seonghwa hovered behind me, looking over my shoulder.

"Why not? Aren't you guys best friends or something?" I shot back and huffed, shoving him away as water dripped from his hair.

"Oh we are, but he does not like it when others look at other idols. Trust me. He gave me so much shit when I told him that I got to be close friends with Lee Know from Stray Kids and another Idol. He yelled  at me during an interview because I also mentioned that I got their numbers as well." Seonghwa rolled his eyes as he fixed his shirt. I averted my eyes when I caught sight of his abs as they peeled out from under the seam.

He was wearing sweatpants and a loose, thin shirt. He combed his hand through his hair and walked over to the door, sliding his feet into his shoes.

"Isn't that like overbearing?" I asked, getting up and walking to where he was waiting.

He shrugged his shoulders, "It can be, but I think that is because he was always told that other companies are in competition with each other. So they do not want other companies stealing their artist's ideas? I don't know how to really explain it." He switched off the light and the dorm went dark. There was a little light peeking through the blinds as the sun began to rise.

"That seems to make sense." I said to myself as I followed Seonghwa out the door.

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