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I know what you are all probably thinking. What bad thing is going to happen next? But the truth is that nothing is going to happen. With Xavier in jail, completely secluded from the world; the guys and I resumed business like normal. Well as normal as we can get.

"Yeosang, for the last time I am fine." I chuckled as I hopped into the kitchen. He was the first one to the counter and he already had my medication and coffee in hand. Leaning one of the crutches against the countertop, I rolled my eyes and smiled as I took the items from the young dancer.

"Look, right now you are in need of caring. Enough trying to be stronger than you actually look." He said. In fact he was right; in a way. Since that night, I was trying so hard to pretend that I was doing better, but in reality I was petrified that word would get out and I would get fired for endangering the lives of these idols.

Every day, for a week I have been avoiding the CEO's phone calls. Acting like I was busy with scheduling or practices with the boys. But in truth, I was scared of losing all of this. These boys have been more of a family than my own was back in the day and I am so close to losing them.

The last night of their concert in Korea, security were bound to my side and I was in constant view of the boys as they pranced around on stage. They pulled all their focus and strength to put on an amazing performance for their fans to show that they are still happy. But deep down they too were suffering, still on the lookout for any signs of danger.

"Thanks, Yeosangie." I ruffled his hair and he giggled. I pulled him into a hug and he gladly accepted. His strong arms were gentle as they enveloped me into a warm bubble.

"Anything for our princess." I giggled as he messed up my hair in return and I grabbed my other crutch, to hobble into the living room.

"Okay, thank you for the notice. We will get ready as soon as possible." I stopped short when Hongjoong's voice floated from his room.

"How will we tell her?" I heard Seonghwa's voice and I slowly crept up to the door that was opened ajar. Seonghwa was sitting on the side of Hongjoong's bed and the leader was holding his phone in his hand. He was standing in front of his oldest brother and his back was to me. I could see the lost, crushed expression on Seonghwa's face.

"I don't know but we need to figure it out soon because we are leaving tonight. The snow is going to be too bad to fly out in a couple of days and they want us to arrive in the states before the blizzard hits." Hongjoong sighed and I could feel my stomach twisting in knots.

This was it, I was getting fired and I only had a few hours left to spend with my boys before my time was up here.

I quickly hobbled away as Hongjoong turned towards the door. Before he noticed I was there I was already hopping across the way to my room. I collapsed on the bed and my head spun as I felt the medication kicking in. One by one I felt my muscles relax as all the anxiety and fear of the unknown faded. The caffeine accelerated my heartbeat and made my head feel like it was swarmed with bees. I closed my eyes, but I could feel like the room was still spinning.

  I can't believe that I'm going to be fired. I don't want this to be my last day with the boys. I can't lose them now. Not when I am fully unstable again. I barely made it out alive the first time. But now I have more to lose and it would be my final straw if I hear that I can no longer be with Ateez.

I tried to pull my head out of the fog as I listened to the boys yelling at one another for their suitcases. Someone came in and things were rustling around. Through the slits of my eyelids, I watched Seonghwa with blurred vision as he frantically gathered his things to get ready for their U.S leg of the tour.

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