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A couple of weeks flew by and thankfully all the snow had almost completely melted. Chan and Lee Know went with me to the doctors to check up with my ankle and it turns out that it's healed nicely. They took the cast off and told me that I could walk around but to be careful. I shoved my phone in my pocket as I got off the examination table and I walked out of the room with Chan and Minho.

"How does it feel?" Minho asked as we walked out of the building. I shrugged my shoulders and just strolled down the sidewalk.

There was the feeling again. My chest felt like it was caving in and I wished my boys were here. I haven't heard from Seonghwa in weeks. Not even a simple text message. I tried calling Hongjoong yesterday but he was busy. I tried Seonghwa's phone but it sent me straight to voicemail.

"Are you okay?" Lee Know asked, stopping in front of me causing me to almost bump into him.

I nodded and forced a smile, "I'm fine. Just thinking." He didn't look like he was convinced, but he just moved out of my way and continued walking.

'The person you are trying to call is not accepting calls at the moment. Try again later.'

The same message sounded on the other line and I was starting to worry. What if something happened? Its been two weeks since i spoke to her and to my knowledge she has not contacted anyone else. At least the members have not spoken up about it.

Each performance that goes by I grew uneasy. I kept trying to see her face in the crowd, but as I met every loving gaze of our beloved Atiny, I wholeheartedly wished it was my Addison.

I felt someone's hand brush against mine. I flinched as I felt an electric shock, like i just stuck my finger in a socket. I peeked down as we stopped at a crosswalk and saw Bang Chan's finger twitch beside my hand. Like a little child, I wrapped my pinkie finger with his and I felt him tense slightly. All cars stopped and for a split second, it felt like the whole world stopped. All the people around us faded and it was just him and I.I got a sense of Deja Vu and my head started to spin.

The pure endless empty hole that was there seemed to fill and it was just a speck on my heart. WIth Chan and the others around it was easier to breathe and I seemed to smile and laugh for the first time in weeks. They all filled that void, especially Chan. He understood me the most and I am grateful for the times he was there to hold me when I would have nightmares and a shoulder to lean on when I could not sleep at night.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught him smiling as he bowed his head and he guided me across the street. I exhaled the breath that I didn't realize I was holding and walked beside him and Minho.

Han and Changbin were lounging on the couch when we came home. Han jumped up and bounced happily when he saw that I was no longer on crutches. He enveloped me in a big hug, but he was still careful to not make me stumble. Chan's finger tightened as he slightly pulled my arm to steady me as their ace excitedly celebrated.

I noticed that Changbin caught sight of the interaction and he smirked, looking away for a moment and then peeking up in my direction. I smiled at him over Han's shoulder and he winked at me. He was a really attentive observer, nothing got past his radar when he had a target in sight. He motioned with his hand, ziping his lips shut and locked the invisible seal. I rolled my eyes and Han pulled away.

"I am so glad you are feeling better." Han beamed and I walked forward. When I tried to pull my hand away, Chan would not let go. I turned around and looked at their leader.

"I have to go and change." I whined and he hesitated before letting go of my hand. I had to get out of my damp clothes because of the other half of Stray Kids bombarding us in a small snowball ambush when we walked home.

I walked inside of my room and closed it to have some privacy. As I got my suitcase out from underneath, I sat on the floor and rummaged through it. I took my phone out and pressed shuffle on my music. I hummed along to Treasure's new song as I grabbed my sweat pants and a t-shirt. Underneath the shirt, I noticed that there was a black sweatshirt. As I lifted the shirt, I caught a whiff of Seonghwa's cologne. My hands started to shake as I lifted the sweatshirt. It unfolded in my hands and I saw that it was his 'Answer' hoodie that I had stolen from him.

He must have packed it when they were gathering my things. I held the sweater in my arms and a tear escaped the corner of my eye. I buried my face in the sweater and started to sob. I cried even harder when Turbulence started to play. It was a message from the boys that n matter how rough it might get, no matter how far of a distance there was between them and their fans that they would be right there with them, holding their hands and telling their fans that everything will get better in time.

Hongjoong and the others had told me that they dedicated that song to me and the rest of their fans. But it held a huge impact on me because no matter how hard it got, the boys were always there defending and helping me pick up the pieces.

While crying, I got up and changed into my comfortable outfit and as I pulled the hoodie over my head something fell out of the pocket. I curiously picked it up and unfolded the piece of paper.

In the middle of the page, his handwriting decorated the lines and there were two boxes to choose from.

This is a lousy way to ask, but I am not good with speaking out loud. But Addison, we have been through so much together and I apologize for ever doubting you. I apologize for being an uptight brat and always giving you a hard time.

So I have one question...

Will you be my girlfriend?


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