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My back pressed up against the chipped wooden door. The pounding of his fist made the door bend at the hinge, his shoulder rammed into the hardwood, chipping it even more. His growls of harsh threats cut through my skin like a newly sharpened blade and at that moment I was petrified.

"Addison." The voice yelled again as another round of fists slammed into the door. My back slid down as I held the door shut with all my strength. My socks slid against the tiled flooring and I panicked as my legs hit the floor beneath me.

"Addison." This time the pounded faded and a soft concerned voice took the place of the harsh nasty demon.

"Addy, please I need to get ready for my schedule." Yunho whined as I could practically picture his head falling forward and his forehead hit the bathroom door.

My mind finally registered that I was not back in his house, that I was in Korea firming with Ateez. I thought these flashbacks would have stopped by now, it's been two years since that huge incident. Maybe I should go back into therapy and go back on the medication. Yeah, maybe that will work.

I used the vanity to pull myself up and I splashed some cold water on my face as I tried to regain my composure. As I slowly opened the down I saw Yunho with his bath towel over his shoulder and his clean clothes folded in his hands. He quickly flashed me a smile as he scooted past me and closed the door behind him. Seconds later I heard the water running and the shower curtain move.

The dorm was buzzing with commotion and it's only 8AM. Doesn't this company, or any company for that matter know the term 'sleep' anymore? I quickly ran into my room, afraid of another episode drawing unwanted attention and hid underneath my covers. I don't understand how one message can trigger a whole history of PTSD in less than a second. The boys haven't noticed, or at least they have not shown any signs of knowing this past week, but the one person who has gotten closer to me was Seonghwa.

Shocker, I know. He has been trying every second to see if I needed help with setting up a manager's email, or giving me a list of which music shows they have performed on in the past, or even giving me a link on everyone's individual schedule so I knew which days everyone needed to schedule in their free time.

I thought that it would be Hongjoong who would have been helping me with the manager materials, but I am assuming that since Seonghwa is the most organized then it would only make sense. Hongjoong seems to know how to keep everyone in line and to give the authority, but when it came to the email and scheduling out which member does what, then it came down to Seonghwa or even the both of them.

As I lied there feeling the warmth of my blanket, I felt a little bit more at ease with everything. I listened to the light laughters that were coming from within the dorm and I knew by the high pitched dolphin laugh that it was San. Wooyoung's laughter followed shortly after and then I caught a rare sight of Jongho's laughter as well. As I unfolded from my little hiding spot, I got out of bed and threw the blanket back into place.

Sliding my feet into my black slippers, I crept out of the room and down the hallway. Their laughter filled my ears and a small smile crept onto my face as I peeked my head around the corner into the living room. They were all gathered around the couch as Wooyoung and San were playing the video game and Yeosang kept hitting the controller so that Wooyoung would mess up.

Yunho covered his mouth, trying to hold back his giggles, as his eyes lit up, looking beside him as Mingi doubled over in laughter as Wooyoung fell off the track into the water and San took first place from him.

"You are a cheater!" Wooyoung exclaimed, batting Yeosang's hand away and glaring at his best friend.

"Why don't you come and join the living?" I jumped a foot in the air when I felt someone's hot breath on the back of my neck, whirling around I saw Seonghwa straightening his stance and his eyes sparkled as he held back a laughter.

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