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My heart felt like it was going to burst as I thought of all their success I have witnessed since I first encountered them. Their endless list of music show performances, the praise from their fans, and now their first sold out World Tour.

I shifted my weight from one to another and I lost my balance, stumbling backwards. I winced as my side made contact with the piece of wood and I fell into the back door. It was a heavy metal door, so it swung back with speed and force that I did not have time to pull my foot away. Through the crack and crunch of my ankle I laid there in pure shock. My mind tried to process what had just happened.

I sat up, scooting myself backwards so that my back was pressing up against the cold, brick wall. With the adrenaline coursing through my body, the pain was non existent. I heard shouting in the distance, as I turned my head it was like everything was in slow motion.

There were two staff members, one I recognized immediately and the other looked like he was new. They helped me up and I couldn't bear any weight on my left ankle. Slowly as I regained consciousness of what occurred, the pain skyrocketed.

The two members lifted me and quickly got me back to the green room. I screamed when one of them slowly pulled my shoe off and my ankle hung loosely as he held my shin.

"I will get ice and call an ambulance." One of the guys said and I saw other staff peeking in to see what was going on.

The other one just sat, looking at me and his stormy blue eyes bore into mine, sending a chill down my spine. I focused my attention to something else, something to get my mind off the immense pain. In less than five heart beats later, one of the members of Ateez came barreling through the door.

"What the fuck happened?!" Seonghwa's voice bounced off the walls and caused the staff member beside me to jump slightly. But I caught the death glare that he threw Seonghwa and he rushed to my side.

"I don't know, sir. We found her there in the hallway. Looks like it might have been the steel door that lead to the outside." The member said through his teeth, as if he was losing focus of his character. Or something of the odds.

"Sir, I am going to have to move her to the back door so the ambulance has clearance to retrieve her." The staff member picked me up, bridal style and I shivered as his touch was bitter cold.

I could see Seonghwa holding back from snapping at the guy but the staff member had to do his job. As we walked to the back door I could hear the arena manager telling security to hold everyone back from the scene. I peeked over the guy's shoulder and I could see Seonghwa staring at me, he looked so helpless.

  But I noticed Hongjoong pointing at something and the look on Seonghwa's face went from guilty to deadly. As chaos broke loose, the member that was holding me broke out into a sprint and barreled through the back door. The metal clanked against the hard brick wall, making a loud sound like a gunshot.

As if Karma struck back with a vengeance; there was a swarm of police cars and trucks crowding the parking lot. The staff member skidded to a stop and his icy grip tightened, caging me in. My blood ran cold as flashes of his stormy blue eyes, the way his eyes changed when he saw Seonghwa, flashing back to the present where he bolted when he noticed he got caught.

"Xavier Jones, you are under arrest for the attempted kidnapping of Addison Blood Rose. You are also charged with trespassing, assault, and escaping from captivity." The Sergeant snapped as he showed his badge and held his weapon at eye level.

"Release the girl so she can seek medical attention and get on your knees." His partner exclaimed, slowly moving forward. I looked around and noticed that the car doors were opened and the other cops had their weapons drawn.

Only Time Will Tell (Ateez/ Stray Kids Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now