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Finally after another week, the boys were all recovered and they were back to their normal, energetic selves. It took a couple of days to wash their beddings, clothes and all the towels that they had infected. Hongjoong was pacing the floor with his phone sitting on the coffee table.

"They will call you, Hyung." Jongho said, leaning forward and propping his elbows on his knees. But the leader kept pacing the floor.

"Hongjoong." I said, firmly as I stepped in front of him and gripped his shoulders. The leader stopped and looked into my eyes, searching for any signs of hope.

Hongjoong wanted to say something, when his phone started to ring. He jumped back and quickly scooped it up and answered it.

"Hello." He spoke into the phone and his fingers played with the hem of his shirt. "Really?" His eyes lit up and a smile broke out across his face.

"Thank you, we will not let you down. See you in a few weeks." Hongjoong hung up the phone and it seemed like we all were holding our breaths.

"We got the opening spot in the King of Kings!" Hongjoong exclaimed and the boys all jumped up, pulling one another into a hug.

With the promotion for the new single, Turbulence, their new album dropping with 'The Real' music video and the promotion for that, they added one more thing to their schedule. It still baffles me how much energy they have to keep up with all of these events.

The rest of the afternoon Hongjoong, Mingi and I were going through what songs they were going to perform. The whole group voted and the three songs they were combining were 'Nillili Mambo', 'Fantastic Baby' and 'The Real' since they were going to be performing at this even after the Fever: Epilogue album drops.

Hongjoong got a hold of B-Btrippin to help them choreograph for these upcoming events. Things were getting back into their normal routine as if they were all not sick less than a week ago. Hongjoong and I started to plan out the next album and we were discussing what unreleased music they were going to release when they went on their 2022 world tour.

We sent out emails to local music shows and interviewers to set a schedule to promote Turbulence. I got up from the chair to stretch when I heard someone snap a picture. My head snapped in the direction of the culprit and Seonghwa slowly lowered his phone. A playful look sparkled in his eyes as he smirked and his ears slowly turned red.

"Delete it." I demanded, pulling my shirt down to cover my exposed torso.

"Never." He giggled and I lunged at him to grab his phone. He jumped back and laughed as he held his hands behind his back.

"Park Seonghwa you better delete it." I said through my teeth and wrapped my arms around his waist to grab his phone. His arms lifted and he held it out of my reach.

"Using my full name huh?" He raised an eyebrows and I felt a shiver shoot through my body as he looked down at me. I was taken off guard by the playful mood he was back in again. The same thing happened a few days ago, but no one was home and the mood was gone as soon as the others stepped through the door.

"Let me see, that." Yunho snatched the phone from Seonghwa's hands and the oldest went to grab it back, but I tightened my grip around his waist.

"Delete it, Yunho!" I exclaimed, holding Seonghwa back.

"Awe it is cute. I set it as your new background." The main dancer beamed and handed the oldest back his phone. I huffed and went to step away from him, but he held me in place.

"Hwa, let me go." I hissed as I jabbed my elbow into his rib. He winced in pain as I hit the bone and he unwrapped his arms from around my waist, moving away. His left hand went to the spot where I hit him and he rubbed it.

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