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"That was weird." I mumbled and put my phone back into my back pocket. Hongjoong was waiting for me, his leg propped up behind him as he leaned back against the white wall.

"I just texted Jongho that we will meet them at the restaurant." Hongjoong said but his bright smile quickly faded when he looked up from his phone.

"I am actually meeting up with a friend." I said shyly.

"Oh, well, have fun." He mumbled and walked off. What was his deal?

Walking down the fairly lit road, the sun was setting beyond the horizon and the sky was turning a beautiful shade of pink and purple. I looked up at the sky and smiled as my mind wandered.

Times like this, where things were peaceful and calm were the best. It was like you were filled with a feeling of bliss and you felt like you didn't have a care in the world.

Looking down the sidewalk, the crowd of people seemed to part and I saw Seonghwa looking from side to side. His body leaned as he looked around the corner. It was as if he was searching for someone who was lost. As I neared the cafe I saw his head turn in my direction and our eyes locked.

As the light of the setting sun hit, his eyes seemed to sparkle like he had the whole universe in his gaze. His face lit up and he rushed over to me.

"Wow someone is excited to see me." I scoffed as he stopped in front of me and I looked up at him.

"I found this amazing restaurant and I thought that we should eat there." He said excitedly and completely ignored my comment, he was practically jumping up and down.

Before I could say anything he quickly grabbed my hand and we started to run across the street.

"Seonghwa!" I yelled at him, but it was like he was in his own world. His laughter rang in my ears and I couldn't hold back the smile.

For the first time in days, I felt carefree and there were no horrible flashbacks, no stress. Just Seonghwa and I running through the streets without a care in the world.

"Come on!" He shouted behind him and his hand gripped my wrist tighter. We ran around the bend and stopped to catch our breaths.

"Seonghwa, what has gotten into you?" I asked, playfully hitting his arm and he looked at me, smiling. His tongue out as he bent over, holding his knees trying to catch his breath.

He ignored me again and entwined our fingers together. "Come on, its the building over here."

My mind was still buzzing about the sudden change in Seonghwa's character and about how he would not let go of my hand. When we walked up the two steps into the building the smell of food hit me, making my mouth water.

"Addison?" A voice seemed to pierce through Seonghwa's carefree mood and all the happiness faded from his eyes.


Seonghwa noticed the change in my whole being and he quickly pulled me aside, asking me if I wanted to go somewhere else. I hesitated and just nodded my head. The quicker I can get out of there, the quicker I hope everything will go back to how it was a few moments ago. Still having a tight grip on my hand, Seonghwa pulled me out of the restaurant and the blast of cold air hit my face like a ton of bricks.

He whipped out his phone and clicked on a contact, putting the phone to his ear. He started to talk, slowly his voice got distant and he started to sound like he was panicking. My vision began to sway side to side as I felt the world start to cave in. Why is this happening again?

I stumbled over my feet and Seonghwa managed to catch me, without dropping his phone and he mumbled something then hung up. I counted the number of heartbeats that I could feel in my chest and before I got to three his arms were wrapped around me. His cologne filled my nose and my muscles seemed to relax with each second that ticked by.

He didn't say a single word. He just stood there holding me so tightly like I was about to turn into sand and slip through his fingers at any given moment. The loud voices that seemed to be getting closer sounded like white noise. His chest rumbled as he spoke out loud to whom ever was around and I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. As if on instinct, my arms tightened around Seonghwa's waist and I didn't want to let go.

The same reaction was reciprocated by him as he did not want anyone else to take me. I pulled away first, my head was still bowed because I felt like he was going to yell at me for my reaction. Like he was going to go back to hating me, like how he acted when we first met.

But instead, he laced his fingers with mine and to my surprise, he never allowed me to be a foot apart from him. I finally looked up and saw the rest of the group were standing around us. Seonghwa said something to Hongjoong and he nodded, leading the way. Finally we reached another restaurant and we got seated right away.

*Seonghwa's POV*

Addison stiffened next to me as Yunho shot her a glare. My blood began to boil at the sight of the young member threatening her, but I bit my tongue because we were out in public. On second thought, why am I getting so worked up about it? We aren't even dating, wait why would we be dating?!

"I thought you had plans." San started grabbing a piece of meat from Wooyoung's plate.

"They bailed." I simply said and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh so, Addison happened to be out with a friend too and you two just so happened to run into each other?" Hongjoong gestured to them both with his chopsticks.

"You know that we have to date discreetly right? If Atiny find out about this they will not be too happy." Yunho rolled his eyes and went back to eating his food.

"Oh so Yeosang can be fucking your choreographer. But wait, why would you think we were dating? Newsflash, he has hated me since the beginning." Addison snapped and the waitress jumped at the sudden loudness in her voice. I was taken back by what she had said. But I can understand because I was cold to her from the beginning because I did not trust her to be so caring.

"Language." Hongjoong glared and locked eyes with Addison, who didn't seem to back down.

I would have to say, she has a point.

"Joke is on you guys. Nothing happened because she had to go back to big hit to TXT." Yeosang sighed and continued to eat.

"Wait, I thought..."

"No, Mingi nothing happened. So drop it." Yeosang growled and took a shot of his drink.

I gestured to Addison to take a seat next to Yunho and he just huffed, not moving over an inch.

"There is no more room at the table." Yunho whined, but Mingi hit his arm.

"Knock it off and move over." The young rapper gestured to main dancer to move his chair over.

Yunho mumbled under his breath and moved down. Wooyoung and Mingi got up to grab two more chairs. The waitress placed two more plates down and gave us our utensils as we took a seat. We didn't want to be separated, so we combined the two tables.

"So, since Alexa is gone, who is going to help us with the dances?" San asked as he poured himself another shot.

"B-Btripping is lending us some of their best choreographers and we will take it from there." Hongjoong answered, taking the shot that San poured for himself.

"Hyung." The young vocalist whined, but Wooyoung handed him his shot glass and the vocalist smiled at his soulmate.

"Take the shot and shut up." Wooyoung stuck out his tongue and the smile was wiped off of San's face as quickly as his duality changed.

I took some food from the middle of the table and took Addison's plate, filling it as well. I smiled down at her as he nodded her head to me. Picking up the bottle from the middle of the table, I poured us a shot and she peeked up at me as we clanged our glasses together.

I threw my head back as the alcohol hit my tongue, then it left a burning trail down my throat. I winced as the sudden burn and shook my head as my face scrunched up in disgust. Addison snickered and I heard Hongjoong make a comment.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed it off. For the first time, I looked around the table as the alcohol started to hit everyone at different times and I smiled. At last, all nine of us looked like a loving, caring family.

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