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I sat in the corner of the practice room and Alexa was guiding the boys through the steps of the stretching and Hongjoong was talking with Yunho about some of the moves they had to tweek. Once the boys were finished with their stretching, they huddled together in a circle and talked about which song they were going to work on first.

Alexa came over and knelt in front of me. "Did you want to hop in and join us?" She held out her hand and I just looked at it, hesitating.

"I don't really dance anymore. Besides, I haven't danced in years." I said, giving her a small smile. But that didn't work, instead of leaving me alone; she grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Bullshit, I know for a fact that you have muscle memory and a dancer never forgets." She gave me a bright smile as she pulled me over to where the guys were sitting.

Hongjoong looked up at me and smiled as he scooted over so I can take my spot beside him and Jongho. Yeosang looked at me with a confused look and tiled his head.

"Wait, why is she with us? I thought she was just observing so she can get a feeling on how things run with practice." Everyone looked at each other and then settled their eyes on the leader.

"I just thought maybe she can practice with us. Just in case we have someone out hurt for a performance." He shrugged his shoulders, but I saw that he had more written on his face so I decided to bring it up since, clearly he was beating around the bush with everything.

"So this is not about the fifty or so dance videos that I have on my YouTube channel?" All the members, excluding Hongjoong looked shocked.

What? Did they really think that I kept this toned body by sitting in a chair at a computer all day?

No I used to do a lot of dance tutorials and how- to videos on song production and mapping. Then everything changed after my best friend passed away and I just buried that hatchet.

"So wait, if you hid the K-pop from us, and the dancing, what else did you hide?" San asked and that took me off guard.

"Did we come here to talk, or did we come here to practice?" Jongho spoke up, looking like he wanted to curl back up in bed and sleep forever.

Hongjoong agreed and we hopped to our feet. He walked over to where his phone was plugged in and tapped his screen. A song started to play and my ears perked up. It sounded very different, it was almost like the producer wanted it to sound sexy and mysterious. It gave me a sense of deja vu because that is how Bang Chan wanted the mood to feel like with Red Lights. But this song held more of the mysterious side, but there was a subtle hint of sexiness.

Standing off to the side, I didn't want to be in the shot of the camera because they were recording it to review later on. Standing there in awe as they seemed to go into autopilot as they took their formation.

Alexa restarted the song and Hongjoong waltzed to the center, waving his hands like he was holding a baton. The other members seemed to move with the timing of the beat and with his hands. It was almost like Hongjoong was controlling them. Yunho then came out in center and they all slid backwards as they gathered around him.

Even though this was just practice, their facial expressions were on point. San was dancing like his rent was due and the others were following his lead. I was in shock how in sync they all were and I realized that they were all mouthing to the words.

Was this their song? Was this how Ateez sounded like?

I could not tell if this was a cover that they were working on or if this was their actual song. The song ended as Hongjoong stomped his foot and threw his arm back and they were all standing there breathing heavily. Then in a blink of an eye, their whole demeanor changed and they were smiling and laughing with each other.

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