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I threw my phone onto the bed and it bounced. A light thud sounded as it fell off the other side and I lied down on my back. Thoughts raced like a million bees in my head and my heart sank at the thought of who could be texting me.

None of my family or friends had my Korean number. So that struck them out. The staff and CEO had my number, but none texted, they only called if it was an emergency. So that only left...

A gasp left my lips as I sat up straight. Rolling over, I reached for my phone and the screen lit up as I flipped it over. I ignored the twenty messages from the group chat the guys put us all in and went straight for the unknown number.

My finger hovered over the call button and finally I pressed it. My head spun as I put it on speaker phone and it started to ring. I heard something outside the door, but the footsteps faded as someone walked down the hallway.

My heart stopped when an oh too familiar voice sounded on the other line.

"Addy, I was waiting for your call." His voice was still captivating, but I was not going to let it affect me. My lips were sealed shut and I could not make myself speak.

"Speechless like usual. So let me get straight to the point. You will never be happy again. I will make your life a living hell just like you did mine when you lied and put me away for six years. You know from experience what I'm capable of doing, and prison has taught me a lot. So I would take this as a warning. Cause if you don't listen, your little boy toys are next."

The call ended and I sat there on the verge of tears. I cannot put the boys through this. They have their whole life ahead of them and I would rather die than risk them getting hurt.

My mind seemed to get quiet as I felt myself shut down. My ears rang at the sudden silence and the room began to spin. This cannot be happening. Not even the knocking on my door pulled me out of this state I was in. I picked up my phone and dialed the number I trusted the most.

It rang once and the deep voice rushed on the other line before it could ring a second time.

"Are you okay?" Mingi asked, I could hear noise in the background.

My other covered my hand as a tried to hold back a sob. The ball in my throat enabled me to speak, but I think he got the hint.

I heard him say something and someone yelling at him on the other line. His sneakers thudded loudly as he raced back to the door, but even through his heavy breathing, he still talked to me. No wonder why he was an idol, he could run and talk like it was nothing. All the years of dancing and singing together, really paid off.

A loud thud echoed outside my door and I could hear Seonghwa and Hongjoong yell something.

"Addison, please open the door." I heard Mingi plea on the other line. I hung up the phone and got myself to my feet.

Walking over to the door, my hand hovered over the knob and I could hear Mingi breathing on the other side.

"Stop hesitating and please, open the door." He said softly and I was taken off guard by how well he was able to read me.

I unlocked the door and it swung open. I jumped back and a pair of arms latched onto my waist. I was pulled off the ground as Mingi crashed into me and held me in his arms. Instinctively my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms snaked around his neck. Sweat dripped from his face, but I didn't mind. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and cried softly.

"Don't shut us out again, please." He cried as he hugged me tighter. "Promise me something?"

I hummed and I opened my eyes, stared over his shoulder. Hongjoong and the others were watching us from the opening of the door and they all had tears in their eyes.

"Promise me you will not do anything stupid and reckless. Please come to one of us." He sobbed into my sweater and I couldn't say anything.

Through the tears in my eyes, I could see the others pleading with their eyes. To make that promise. But deep down, I know I would never be able to hold on to that promise if it meant that they would be putting their lives at risk.

I just hugged him tighter and he stood there for a few moments. He turned around and grabbed my phone from my bed and held onto me tightly as he walked out of the room. With me still in his arms, he walked into the living area and his legs gave out, collapsing onto the couch. I let out a scream as we fell and then the whole room burst out laughing.

"Serves you right for chugging your coffee, running all the way here and not stopping for a breath." Hongjoong scolded Mingi and Yunho agreed.

"I'm sorry." I pouted and Mingi just kissed my head.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He mumbled and he held me close to his chest. "For you it was worth it."

For the first time, I felt safe and finally felt like I was home. But I could not stop feeling the dark cloud that hovered over my head. I savored the feeling of finally being with a loving, caring family. Even if it means breaking Mingi's promise that I was never willing to agree to.

As the days went on, I kept my head down low and stayed quiet about what happened. I could not bring myself to tell the guys and risk them failing at their next comeback. So I put on a good face and allowed myself to get lost in their smiles and laughter. Even the mask I wore didn't fool the guys one bit.

Hongjoong didn't let me go anywhere alone. It was either himself taking me to the company or one of the guys. But lately it has been Mingi glued to my side. Something between us clicked and it was like I was instantly comfortable with him. Whether it was him trying to cheer me up or cuddling with me when I would have a night terror. Yunho tried to pull him away but ended up giving in and both of them were like my cuddle bugs.

Seonghwa, San, Yeosang, and Wooyoung were all quiet and cautious with me. It was like they were walking on thin ice, afraid that I would crack; and they would end up falling and drowning. I didn't blame any of them for being this way. I would assume it was the same way when everything happened with Mingi before he decided to take his break to focus on getting better.

"Addison." I looked up from my phone and took one of my ear buds out and my eyes met Hongjoong's.

"Do you want to go with me to the studio?" He pulled his beanie over his head and tilted his head waiting for my answer.

I have been running back and forth to the company to the dorm; whether it was to help Mingi and Yeosang at the gym, Yunho, San, and Wooyoung at the practice room. But this is a first that Hongjoong has asked me to go to his safe space.

"Sure." I put on a small smile, but his eyes seemed to lose their glow when they saw that the smile never met my eyes.

I walked to the room and knocked on the closed door. I heard noise coming from the other side and then Seonghwa cleared his throat, yelling at me to enter. Biting my lip as he situated himself under his blanket and went back to playing his game on his phone. He gave me a nod and I chuckled, knowing what he was really up to.

Grabbing my furry, back coat, I unplugged my charger and walked towards the door. Before I closed the door, I peeked back in and he was peeking up at me over his phone.

"Just remember to put whatever you clean yourself up with in the hamper. I am sick and tired of picking up after you boys."

"Hey!" Seonghwa shouted and I heard San's dolphin laughter coming from Wooyoung's room.

"Same goes for all of you boys!" I shouted throughout the dorm and everyone protested.

"I don't want to hear excuses. Next time I am going to take a picture and send it to your twitter, so that Atiny can see what really goes on behind the cameras." I heard loud footsteps as they all came running down the hallway and I slammed the front door before they could grab me.

Hongjoong was hysterically laughing, doubled over and holding the railing. I was surprised when I suddenly joined him and let out, for the first time in forever, a genuine laugh. After a few seconds, he caught his breath and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Lets go." He gestured for me to lead the way and I started to walk.

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