16 ☂ The promised failure

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The promised failure

- this chapter contains some time jumps  -

"You know.." Eight laughed, her hands both occupied with liquor and a cigarette. "I don't understand it anymore either" she cracked, trying to catch her breath.

"There's the first one of them idiots, Luther, he's actually half gorilla, or some deformed animal. I don't know." she snorted. "They probably based the movie "King Kong" off of him." she mumbled, taking a smoke. "What a great inspiration for a stupid title." the girl rolled her eyes.

"Then there's Diego, the absolute nutjob. Well, he thinks he's the next Jesus, dying for all the great in the world, and whatnot." she added.

"Oh, then there's Miss Popular with serious issues at home. She can't do one thing right except yell and blame everyone around her for her own problems." the girl said, describing Allison the way she saw her.

Or, the way drunk minds thought.

"Klaus, well.. He definitely looks like Jesus." she laughed. "Oh and Ben. I loved Ben." the crowd around her quieted down, listening to what the girl was saying.

"Five, the know-it-all. He's the one that got me involved with this shitshow in the first place. We spend 45 years together, and that man could never keep his mouth shut when he needed to. Well, for some time he couldn't hold his zipper shut either. But I'm not complaining." the girl remembered, smiling to herself as she described her lover.

"Then Number Seven. She wrote some pretty awful shit about me, but nonetheless, it was the truth, so I can't blame her. And she had this serial killer boyfriend after saying she had seen a therapist. Well, I just hope she got her money back, because that therapy wasn't therapeutic." she rolled her eyes, still laughing at her insults she made up on the spot, making the rest of the people around her laugh as well.

"And last but not least, me. You know.. I always thought there's more potential to me. More that I could discover. But turns out I'm just an old lady who likes to kill." she snorted, taking another drag from her cigarette.

"So, you see. We're all the result of childhood trauma and daddy issues. What a great family." she teared up, trying to fake a smile at the end.

Eight was sitting among homeless drunken men and women under the bridge, still in Dallas, Texas, getting drunk herself while burping out all about her life to people who laughed at her misery with her.

That's what drunk people do, right?

But how did she get here? You might be wondering.

Well, let's rewind the time by a few hours, shall we?

Number Five and Number Eight were in the old car they managed to steal, on their way to get Vanya and get the hell back to the timeline they belong into.

But just as Five, the perfect driver, took a turn on the dusty road, another car passed them by, seeing their mentioned sister stare at them with a confused expression.

"Break, Five." Eight shouted, holding her hands in front of her, trying to stop herself from falling through the review window as the boy quickly stopped the car.

The two dashed out of the vehicle, walking towards the woman, who did the same.

"What are you doing here?" Vanya questioned.

"Looking for you."
"We're going back to 2019."

"What are you two talking about?" The woman panted.

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