01 ☂ Fight to kill

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☂ Fight to kill ☂

The seven Hargreeves siblings appeared as a blue light flashed across the living room of the Hargreeves mansion.

"You guys are acting like babies; it wasn't even that bad." In response to the rest of her brothers' groans and grunts as they struggled to get up straight after this unpleasant journey, Eight rolled her eyes.

"What day is it?"

"April 2nd, 2019" Five held the recent newspaper up, reading the manufacturing date on it. "The day after the apocalypse."

"Wait, so we stopped it?" Allison panted, looking around at her siblings. "Oh my god, it's over?"

They laughed, excitedly hugging each other and celebrating their obvious success.

Number Five and Number Eight walked away, deeper into the living room and checking around, hoping to find anything in its place.

"Why is a painting of Ben over the mantelpiece?" Diego's rasp caught everyone's attention, the teens cursing under their breaths at the sight.

Something wasn't right, afterall.

"I knew you'd show up eventually."

The man's appearance stunned the siblings, all of them standing speechless, with their eyes wide in shock, fixated on the man they knew to be dead.


"You're alive." Luther exhaled, still surprised.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why is he alive? Five, what did we do?" the girl whispered, trying to find some answers neither of them seemed to have.

"You're right. We're just happy to be home." Luther smiled hesitantly.

"This isn't your home."

"What are you talking about? This is the umbrella academy." Allison scoffed, her voice cracking and quiet due to dumbfundness of the situation.

It was expected of Five and Eight to find out what was going on, so they made an effort to make sense of it all. They were mired in calculations and contemplation, but with a briefcase in hand, they couldn't have made a mistake.

"Dad, who are these assholes?" when a voice they had not heard in years or even decades suddenly rang in their ears, their known deceased brother's body with a girl by his side suddenly materialized behind them.


"Is that really you?"

"Oh, fuck." Eight breathed out, her hands shaking as she glanced the adult version of herself up and down. "What is happening?..

"And who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Diego exclaimed, pulling his knives out and ready to fight.

"They are the sparrows, my children." stated Reginald.

"Why am I starting at myself and not experiencing the paradox?" the girl stared at the boy next to her, trying to figure out what is going on.

𝙲𝙴𝙻𝙴𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙰𝚂 𝚂𝙿𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚄𝙼 ☂ Five HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now