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I can't believe it.
I just can't believe it.
For the Halloween dance guess who is going with Ally?
Andrew my crush.
Well I can believe it because Ally likes Andrew and I think Andrew likes Ally. Ally told me once that Andrew almost kissed her but someone distracted them from there kiss. But I'm mad. I wish he asked me to the dance instead of Ally. I bet if Ally knew I liked him she wouldn't go with him, so that means I...I should be happy for her. I least I'm not the only one without a date to the Halloween dance. Jessie doesn't. But I think I know someone who wants to go with Jessie. A guy named Sean from Jessie and my history class. He's always staring at her and trying to make a conversion with her. One time, jessie dropped her textbook and binder and all her loose paper on the floor and Sean helped her, and that time when Jessie lost her textbook and Sean shared his with her, he volunteered! I know your probably thinking that Jessie is unorganized sometimes... But that's true. I think Jessie likes him, but she would of told me if she liked him so... I wonder if they will go to the dance together and I will be a loner BY MYSELF.
Anyway, I can't stop being jealous and angry that Ally's going to the dance with him. I really like him, but I know he doesn't like me, if he did, he would of invited me to his party last year or the first day of school party this year. Ugh! Why does he have to like ALLY! WHY WHY WHY! At this point I feel like I want to cry. And I cry. I cry until I realize that my pillow is soaked with tears. Thank goodness mommys not home or she would call 911 that I'm sad. Well maybe not 911. My Aunt Helen, she can help girls that have low self-esteem. She helped me twice, when I felt liked no one liked me and when I felt like I was childish. She really helped. Maybe I'll call her. I will. Right now.
Aunt Helen- hello?
Me- hi it's me Rose
Aunt Helen- hi honey! How is it going!
Me- (sniff) I don't know what to do
Aunt Helen- what happened?!
Me- you know Andrew the guy I like?
Aunt Helen- oh yes yes! Why what happened? Did he hurt you?
Me- kind of actually, he's going to the dance with Ally...
Aunt Helen- oh! Ally Anber! Such a sweetheart that girl!
Me- (sniff) what should I do!
Aunt Helen- obviously you should be happy for Ally and if Andrew is taken you have to move on.
Me- and...
Aunt Helen-tell Ally that you are happy for her even if you like him
Me-but she doesn't know I like him!
Aunt Helen-you never told her!?
Aunt Helen-tell her then
Aunt Helen- tell her
Me- i can't!
Aunt Helen- if Ally is mad then she's an idiot
Me- I can't
Aunt Helen-fine, just think about it
Aunt Helen-bye hon
Me- bye...
Should I tell Ally?! If she going to be angry? Will she decide not to go with Andrew now that I like him? Will she stand up for me to Andrew? Will she blame this on Andrew? Will she talk to me ever again? Will I talk to her ever again?...


I called Jessie to come over, maybe she has some advice. My doorbell rang, i ran to the door.
"Hi" Jessie said "what's going on?"
I pull Jessie in my house and bring up into my room.
"Where's Ally?"Jessie asked me.
"I didn't call her"
"Why?"she said "we always hang out together"
"This is about Ally" I replied
"What is it?"
"I like Andrew"
I know why she said no way because I don't really like anyone, like he is the second guy I've ever liked, first was this guy Johnny in grade 8, but really.... He's a creep.
"Are you freaking kidding me! You never told me you like him! You idiot!"she yelled "sorry I swear when I'm ANGRY!"
"I'm sorry I never told you but... I just couldn't tell you. Can you understand?!"
"Okay okay I wouldn't of told you either..."
"Well yah, so... When did you start liking him?"
"I know I know"
"You know what, I hate this romantic crap only if it's in musicals I like it, did you pick your costume yet"
Oh god, I forgot about costumes! The Halloween dance is tomorrow night! I'm an idiot! No no NO
"You forgot to get one again did you?!"
"Well we're going now! Even if it's Sunday and mom will kill me!"


"What do you want to be? An animal? A which? A vampire? A-"
"Something that will impress Andrew?"I interrupted
"Rosie, you know, Andrew like Ally..."
"I just want him to smile at me or say nice costume AT LEAST JESS!"
"Okay... How about a black cat! Where a black short skirt and and black t-shirt with glitter on it with a tail and ears! I'll put whiskers for you!"
That's not a bad idea, he'll think I'm hot in my costume and he'll forget about Ally! 'Stop Rose, stop...'
"Great! I am Dorothy for Halloween so MINE is more creative so..."

Dreams Don't Always Deceive You [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora