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How am I going to tell Rose? How am I going to tell Rose? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL ROSE?! Ally just texted me that Andrew and her just kissed, ROSE IS GOING TO FREAK! I can't tell her. No way. But she's my friend, I have to, but Ally is my friend to and I don't want Rose to get even mad at Ally. But Rose has a right to know. But- I know I can't choose. I know what, I won't tell Rose until she is ready and not angry anymore.
I going to call Ally to tell her that I'm sorry I can't tell her, I don't want her to be mad me.
Me- hi it's me Jessie
Ally- we kissed WE KISSED
Me- I know you told me
Ally- it was the best moment I've ever had, I can't believe he admitted he liked me! What if I didn't like him and he still said it, wow, that would be bad, but-
Me- Ally really?
Ally- sorry but Jessie it was amazing
Me- I know, you told me already, Ally, I'm sorry I can't tell you why Rose is acting like that, I really really am
Ally- it's okay... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to...
Me- oh god, ally, you swear you won't tell Rose I told you this?!
Ally- I swear
Me- Rose ... Likes ... Andrew
Ally- oh god I can't believe this, and, Rose didn't even tell me! Wow, i thought she was my friend!
Me- you won't tell her right?
Ally- no I swore i won't tell her... CAUSE IM NOT TALKING TO HER AGAIN
And she hung up.
I hope she doesn't, I'm not saying I don't trust Ally, but, i don't know she might be lying that she won't tell her, oh god, WHY DID I EVEN TELL HER! I'm such an idiot of all idiots. Their IS a chance that Rose finds out I told her, And Rose, Ally and I will spilt and never talk to each other again. AHHH! I don't want that to happen!


Now I need to call Rose. She answered! Finally!
Me- finally you ans-
Rose - lets get this over with Jessica, what do you want?
She- she never calls me Jessica, no one calls me Jessica except my parents...
Me- why are you mad at me?
Rose- really? You call me for that?
Me- yah, that's the reason, I'm calling.
Rose- I'm mad at you because you are a jerk
And she hangs up. She's the jerk. She's the jerk! SHES THE JERK! SHE. IS. THE. JERK. She really hurting me and it's not fair.
I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! Why is she acting like that?!
Fine, if your going to be mad at me Rose, then I'm going to be mad at you!

Dreams Don't Always Deceive You [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن