25 3 2

I just went to see Ally, Rose and me just left after 25 minutes with her. Ally was so weak and tired. I'm scared. That might mean something. And- and... You know what I mean. I'm not going to say it.
So what should I do about Matt and me? HES 21!!! Well in the 100 a girls boyfriend is like 24 or 25 and she's like 17. Okay Jessie. It's a show!
So, literally, I'm serious. I shouldn't of kissed him... Well...he did kiss me back. That means he likes me back too, or maybe he just kissed me back on purpose, cause he just wanted too. Or maybe-
Stop with the maybes Jessie!
Sorry, arguing with myself.
Should I go to Matts house?
The truth is, I'm scared what will happen.
I really am.
You know what?
What ever happens...
I'll be fine with it.
I think.


I knock at Matts door nervously. Right away he opens the door. "Um...hey Jessie" he said. "Come in"
"Thanks" I walk in and take off my shoes. I've never been to matts house before. He told me the address a week ago but I never came over. His house is neat, really neat. He walks to his living room and sits on the couch, so I just followed him. His living room is light brown, carpet floor and their are some books on his couch and on the coffee table is another book... Called...spirits and reapers...okay, whenever someone comes over I bet people freaked out, even I'm freaked out and already even know what he does for a living. Hunting those things!
"What are you doing here?" Matt says, acting like nothing happen the other night!
"Um... I don't know" I said. "I have nothing to do. Did you do any research. Cause um I think that this reaper is going after Rose because-"
"Wait, can we talk about something else, I was hunting all day and don't feel like talking about this right now."
"Okay, sorry. But, can I just say, just one thing?"
"It might have to do with her father who left her."
"Really? I'll look into that. But not right now."
"So, you said you want to talk about something else?"
"Well what?"
And we go speechless.
It's been 15 seconds.
"Matt." I say and break the silence.
"About the kiss..."
"Oh... About that..." He said. "I'm sorry. I just- like I don't know-"
"You were desperate?"
"I was to when I just kissed you first."
"Look, Jessie-"
"No, Matt, you look. I like you. I don't care what you say because it's not going change how I feel about and I know I'm younger then you but I just... LIKE YOU! And like I'm sorry and maybe you don't like me but I don't care because it's not going to change- wait I just said that."
"But- Jessie, I do like you"
"You do?"
"Yeah it just that..."
"Just what?"
He comes closer to me. " I don't know." He comes closer and closer. Until their is knock at the door. He gets up for the couch and he walks to the door. When he opens his door a beautiful girl is there, probably his age. "Matt!" She yells and wraps her arms around him. He wraps his arms around her and they kiss. Kiss. Maybe That's what he was trying to tell me before. That he has... A GIRLFRIEND! Ugh! I can't believe it! Matt doesn't even look at me! They are still at the door so I go into his kitchen and right him a note with a lose sticky note on his table.
You have a girlfriend. That's great. It looks like you are happy together. I'm not going get in the way of you two. Bye Matt.
I run out his back door and out his gate and leave. I go to my car and start the engine and go. Don't notice me Matt!

It's been 5 minutes since I left his house, I'm almost home. Matt just called me, but I declined it.


I got home 10 minutes ago, Matt doesn't probably care. He's just sitting on his couch with his girlfriend having a good time. Theirs a knock at the door. I open it and see Matt. "Can I just explain-"
"No, no Matt, you have a girlfriend." I said. I try to close to door but he pushes it back open and walks in. "My girlfriend went around the world with her family for 2 months."
"Does she know you are a hunter?"
"Not yet..."
"Well, I can see you really like her. You should tell her"
"But... Fine... I'll tell you...I was forced to be with her."
"Yah, my parents made me be with her."
"Because they are friends with her family."
"Fine, but, you have feelings for her."
"Yah, but I have feelings for you too, and I wasn't forced to be with you."
"You are not cheating on her, the parents will blame it on me."
"How will the parents find out."
He puts his lips on mine. He pulled me closer to him, he nudged his nose against mine. I brought my fingers up to his hair and settled my arms around his neck.
Then we hear a car come into their parking lot. My dad is back from the bar. Oh no. He might be drunk again. Oh no. Don't tell me he's going to slap me really hard... Again. That again was when I was 14 year old, I came home late from my friends party, this girl, I don't really remember her, her name was like Emma or Emily or something like that. I walked home, it was 11:35 at night, my mom was cleaning up and was about to go to bed, she was worried, but my dad was furious, when I got home, my mom hugged me and asked me if I was okay, I told her that the birthday cake was late, and we had to eat it at 11:00pm, my mom understood, but my dad slapped me so hard, it made a mark. I ran up to my room and cried. He never apologized ever since.
"Matt, go to my room, my dad doesn't like guys over."
"Okay." He said and runs up to my room. I grab a magazine and sit on the couch.
"OH YAHHH! THAT WAS AWESOME!" He screamed. I don't want to say anything to him, he might get mad, I hate when he's drunk.
"HEY HONEY! HOWS IT GOING!" He screamed again.
"I'm fine. I'm just going to do some studying." I get up from the couch.
I run up the stairs and opens the door in my room and see Matt on his phone on my room. Our door, downstairs closed, dad left again.
"I'm so sorry Matt, he's drunk and he left right now, I just don't want him to bother you."
"It's okay, I understand, my dad was like that too, until he died from a... Heart attack last year."
"Oh... I'm so sorry Matt." I said, that's so sad. Losing your dad, I won't want to lose him.
"Yah" he said. A tear runs down his eye. "I can't believe I just brag that up." He wiped his tear. I come closer to him and hug him. "Like, my dad, we were close until he was drunk like your dad a few years ago. I found him dead in his room." That made him cry even more, even my eyes get watery.
"It's okay." I said. He lets go of me and wipes another tear away.
"I never got a chance to ask you this but... Are we like together now? Do you want to?"
"Um... I don't know if we are together Matt, and the second question... I do want to." I said. "But not yet."
"Because, it's your girlfriend or me." I said. "Pick."
"You" he said. I blushed. "I had to pretend I liked her for a whole year. It was so freaking awful."
"You shouldn't say that." I said. "I know you don't mean it"
"Well kind of actually, almost everyday I had to go to her house, she told what to do, and I wasn't just forced to be her boyfriend, but forced to kiss her. If I didn't kiss her back, I would get in trouble."
"Well... That does sound awful...okay... Now... So, you picked me... But... I'm so young...I'm in high school..." I said.
"That doesn't change the way I feel about you." He said and kissed me again. "You want to go to my house instead? Your dad might come back, and if he's drinking even more, trust me, you don't to see him like... That."
"Okay." I said and took his hand and held them and we left for his house. I opened the door and we went to his car. I was about to open the car door until I hear something behind me. Oh no. Reaper. The reaper.
Your next...
Oh no. "Matt" I said. The ring. THE RING. I forgot to wear it!
"Yeah?" He gets out of his car and sees the reaper behind me. "It-it's okay, you have the ring on, right? I don't respond back. "You don't have the ring."
"I forgot it" I whispered.
"WATCH OUT!" He grabbed a piece of wood and throws it at its head, he missed. The reaper has a smirk on its face. He passes me a piece of wood too. Matt distracts it and I stab the thing in the heart. It goes away, just vanished like that, that's not a good thing.
"It's gone, but it's going to come back. Angry." He said. "Hey, that was good. How did you-"
"I don't know" I said. "Let me go get the ring in my room, wait here-"
"I'm not leaving you there alone." He said. "I'm coming with you."
"You don't have to-"
"I'm trying to protect you, not trying to let you die from going up into your room alone when that thing could be right behind you." He strokes my hair and we kiss again.
"Okay, fine" I said. He gets another piece of wood and they go to my house again. We walk slowly upstairs. Nothing. Yet. I go to my room. Nothing. Yet. I grab my ring and put it on. And... Safe.
"Okay, let's go to your house now." I said.
"Okay." I hold his hand again and we walk down stairs and leave my house to his car. I go in the front seat and and we leave.


We go to his house, it's 10:00pm, my moms on a business trip and my dad, I don't freaking know where he went. We sit on his couch and he turns on his lamp and he turns on the tv, this random reality show comes on, late night with Ryan Miller. Taylor swift, one of my favourite artists is talking with him. He gets a blanket and puts it on us.
I go closer to Matt and lean my head on his shoulder. "This is nice." I said.
"Yah, no hunting."
"No drunk dad."
I giggle a little.
"So you never got to tell me when you first started hunting."
"Oh." He said. Our legs touch. "Well, I was 12 years old. My moms sister was killed by a demon, my mom, my dad and me started hunting, my parents stopped hunting when I was 18 years old. And now, I'm hunting by myself."
"I really like you" I said.
"I really like you too." He said.

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