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Everyday I get worse and worse. I don't want to die. I really don't want too. I have almost flat-lined twice, and It's freaking me out.
I hear a knock on the door. The person walks in before I say it's okay. Seriously, have some manners!
It was Andrew. When he saw me, his eyes got glassy and he ran up to me. He showered me with questions, such as, "Are you okay?" "How are you?" It's getting annoying, but it's cute that he cares.
"I'm not the greatest, but your worrying is scaring me." I told him honestly. He has no idea what it's like, to almost be dead, but still be alive. It's nerve-wracking.
"I heard from your mom and dad, they don't even know your in the hospital Ally." What?! Oh... no wonder they never came to visit me... "They think your lost or you ran away."
"What did you tell them?" I asked, this is crazy. So crazy.
"I said... That I didn't know."
"Why did you- ugh, Andrew they need to know I'm in the hospital!"
"I'm sorry, I was... panicking! I had no idea what to say!"
"Okay okay, I'll deal with it."
"It's okay. Sorry I... yelled at you."
"Me too."
He sat on the bed, I close my eyes and leaned on him. We cuddled up and I could tell that he was scared. I literally know, because he's shaking a little. He wraps his arms around me and rests them on me. He starts breathing heavily. "It's okay Andrew, I'm sorry I'm getting you worked up, it's not fair for you, we just started dating and you're going to lose me I'm sorry, I ... Love you"
He was speechless. Well, I just said I loved him of course that would make you speechless. "Sorry" I said.
"It's okay... I love you too."
Oh...Thank goodness he said that if he didn't and he didn't Love me this would be so awkward.
But... Do I actually love him? I don't know How to know if you love someone. At all. You know you love someone if you've been together for a while. Or you know you love someone because they are always there for you. Or maybe you know you love someone because whenever they walk in you have a big smile on your face. And you know what? Andrew was all of those. If I die, Andrew will be heartbroken. I can't die, I can't leave Andrew. Or Rose And Jessie. Or mom and dad. Or my grandparents and my cousins. They all love me. It's so great when you know someone loves you. But when that person dies, I don't know it's just... It's just...
"I can't let you go babe, it's too hard to even think that I'm dying!" He looked at me and a tear ran down his eye.
"Ally I will never let you go!"
"But you know I'm dying you just don't want to admit it Andrew! Please this is too hard for me to let you go."
He presses his lips against mine for an embracing kiss.
All of a sudden I feel my heart pounding and everything starts to get blurry. Thank goodness that Andrew had noticed and said "Ally are you okay?"
I couldn't even speak I tried but no words came out!
I hear Andrew yelling for help.
I finally managed to get words out of my mouth and said "Andrew I...I can't..."
Andrew picked me up and took me to a nurse.
I pass out.


I wake and see people that are familiar.
Wait it's my parents, and there's Andrew. He must of called them after my attack.
I asked Andrew what happened and he said that the nurses said I had an anxiety attack with all the stress I had built inside me!
"Ally, honey what happened!" My mother said.
"Long story mom. I'm so happy to see you!"
"Omg is this your boyfriend?"
Andrew smirked.
"Sorry honey, are you okay?"
I looked at her with a tear falling down my face.
"I'm dying mommy"

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