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Jessie told me that ROSE, yes ROSE is hanging out with populars. And you know how that ends out, crying in your room and deciding never to show your face at school again. Like, Rose doesn't know what's going to happen to here? She's so dumb and stupid! Use. Your. Head!
I get a text from Andrew.
Andrew- we need to talk, come over.
Um, that DOESNT sound good, when someone texts you we need to talk, it's never a good thing, NEVER.
Me- okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes, I'm finishing up homework.


I knock at Andrews door, after like 5 seconds and opens the door and grabs me inside. He was kinda being... Ruff. What did I do? I took off my shoes and sweater. I had to throw my sweater on the floor, because A CERTAIN SOMEONE DIDNT LET ME TAKE IT OFF AT A NORMAL SPEED. He grabs me again and brings me up in his gigantic room and shuts the door. He looks mad. Okay, that's it, WHAT. DID. I. DO!
"I can't believe you!" He yelled at me, he-he never yelled at me before.
"What did I... Do?" I said nervously, I'm... Scared.
"Who's the other guy your dating? And by the way, you don't have to use me for publicity!"
NO! The rumours! They got out to Andrew! Oh no!
"That's not true Andrew! I heard the rumours to and they aren't true! I'm not cheating on you and why the hell would I use you for publicity?!" I yelled.
" so your saying that they aren't true then?!"he yelled back.
" yes Andrew! I'm saying that they aren't true! I don't cheat on people and I don't care about stupid publicity! I don't know who made them up but, your ex girlfriend Bella now freaking hates me and is hunting down for me!" I yelled.
Then their is complete silence.
"I can't believe you believed those rumours, when I heard them I knew you wouldn't believe them, but now? I can't believe it." I said and open his door and storm out of his house. I hear Andrew call me but I ignore him. I feel tears fall down me, he doesn't know how bad it feels when you boyfriend doesn't trust you. I... I trust him, this whole time I trusted him that he wouldn't let those silly rumours get to him. But... I was wrong. I thought he trusted me. I really did. I think this is our first fight. Or maybe, that was our last fight.


I get home from Andrews house, run up to my room and cry. Until, I hear Luca at my door knocking.
"Ally... What's wrong?" Oh great, he heard me crying, I can't let mom or dad find out I'm crying, especially mom, mom will find out and tell her friends at work about my boy drama I'm having and then they will ask me all these questions.
I have to lie to Luca. He doesn't keep a secret, and mom loves embarrassing me.
"Um... Jessie's dog died." I said, in between sobs.
"Jessie had a dog?" Luca said. "What was the name?"
"Um... Woofy?" I said, okay woofy, is a weird name.
"Oh, okay bye" he said and I hear him leave.
He always does that asks what's wrong and then leaves, like my first break up when in grade 9, the guy broke up me saying that we weren't meant to be. His name is Samuel, and I really liked him but he just I guess, didn't think we were meant to be. Literally, what does meant to be mean? Does it mean like... Get married and and have kids and have grandkids? I don't know! Does it mean like... We have a lot of things in common and we love each other so much? Ugh, why do boys have to be so complicated.
Someone who I liked from the beginning we met.
Someone who laughs at my stupid jokes.
Someone who likes coffee as much as me.
Someone who is funny, silly and weird like me sometimes.
Someone who is sweet and kind to me.
Someone who is always their for me.
Someone who makes me smile.
But, he is someone who didn't trust me.
But-but I can't let this stupid trusting issue stop us from being together, I need to get back to his house and we need to talk this out.


I knock at his door. Oh god, what do I say? 'Hey, let's talk this out...NOW!"
Oh no, he opens the door. He looks shocked and nervous. Wait, is that a tear running down his eye? Is that a tear running down my eye?
"Ally" he said and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms round him too. "I'm so sorry"
I don't answer him, I squeeze him harder.
"I do trust you. I just, when I heard the rumours, I just was so confused." He said.
"It's okay" I replied. No need to talk this out now.
"Let's go inside." He said.
"I think that's a good idea." We walk inside and he shuts the door and we hug again. We we're so close, I never want to let go of him.
He was about to let go of me but I stop him. "Don't let go" I said and we go back to where we were.
But then I stop hugging him. "Andrew, promise me that we won't ever let stupid rumours get to us again."
"I promise" he said.
"I promise too" I replied.
"I have to show you something in my room." He said.
We go to his room and he gives me this little box.
"Open it." He said.
"What is it?"
"Just look"
I open it and see one of the most beautiful necklace ever. It is a heart shaped locket with a picture Andrew and me took together.
"I was going to give it too you until I found out about the rumours, now that they aren't true, so... Do you like it?" He said.
"I love it! Thank you!" I said and kiss him.
"Here let me put it on you" he said. I give him the necklace. I hold my hair and he put the necklace around my neck and he clips it on.
"I went crazy looking for this." He said. Wow, he went crazy just to buy me a necklace.
I'm going to get him something.
"What's your favourite sport?" I asked.
"Why are you asking me that?"
"Just want to know."
"Um... Football?"
Okay, I'm going get him tickets to the next game for football game!
"Okay, cool" I said.
He gives me the look, that look when you say 'really?'. I give him the look back.
"My favourite sport is swimming, so we can't be together because you like football,and I like swimming. " I say sarcastically.
"Really?"he said. " who said I didn't like swimming?"
"So we are breaking up now?"
"No, we are going to kiss now"
See? Smooth...
"That's fine with me"

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