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I can't believe Rose.
She just starts hanging out with the populars.
But I know something.
Sometimes the popular kids at our school pretend to date or be friends with an unpopular kid and break their heart. That almost happened to me once, but I was smart enough to know that the guy who pretended we were dating, named... Um, What was his name... Oh yah! His name was Lucas! And I heard they are going out this Saturday night! Rose is going to be heartbroken! Well, not that I care.


Oh my WHO is that guy?!
He is so cute!
His hair was brown and shined like glistening chocolate. His warm eyes were like smooth raindrops of blue and green swirling together. He gave me the most heart melting smile. His clothes were pretty plain, contrasting deeply with his face. He wore a regular sweater with regular cuffed jeans and a plaid jacket. There was no way he was looking at me, there was no way he was-
Sorry, sometimes I'm boy crazy.
Should I go up to him?
Maybe start a conversation?
No, I can't. Guys only are aloud to walk up to you. It's been like that all the time. I've never walked up to a guy, or really talked to a guy except Andrew, and I know I will embarrass myself, there is only one thing to do, run away dramatically. That's the only way, well, for me. I don't turn around, if I do, he will think it's just a little dramatic runaway for attention, and well it kinda is.


They're is only 15 more minutes until school ends, and you know what I forgot? LAST PERIOD THE GUY IS IN MY CLASS!
All I see is 'the guy' staring at me. I look, but turn back.
"Okay everyone, page 25 2.2 on data management is tricking, I will list you work with a partner for these questions, but you will go back independent if it gets noisy in hear, understood?" Mrs. Bronen, people call her Mrs.Bro, I don't know, they're weirdos.
Oh great, partners, I have no friends in math, but that's when 'the guy' walks up to me.
" hey, do you want to work with me? I'm a new student and I just got here 2 weeks ago and don't really have any friends right now." He said. " I'm Nick"
" I'm Jessie" I said, oh! I didn't freak out! "Sure. We can work together, I don't have any friends in this class"
" well maybe... Now you just made one" Nick replied. " let me go get my chair."
He gets his chair and beings it over to my desk. He sits down and we work on questions 1 to 16 on page 25. Sometimes, I glare at Nick to see If he's staring.
"So what do you like to do?" He asked.
"Well, I like to sing, dance and act." I replied. "Mostly in musicals, what about you?"
" I like to swim, I won 3rd place in a swimming competition out of 10 people last year, I'm going to try to get 1st this time"
"Just like me! Sometimes I don't get the main role in the musical, but I next time I try to get to be the main role in the next musical I'm in!"
I think I can talk to Nick.
I think he is one of the only guys I can talk to, I can't really talk to my dad, well you know, the fighting, and Andrew, kind of, and Nick, I really can, I'm not scared to talk to him like I couldn't when I first saw him, maybe one day we could be more than friends.


" my sisters bunny, fluffy, hates me. I don't know what I did to that thing, but it just doesn't like me" Nick said, we are just telling weird stories. We finished the questions that were assigned.
"I know, my baby cousin doesn't like me, I didn't do anything to her!"
" you know, a bunny and a baby aren't the same thing, it's okay if a bunny doesn't like you, but your baby cousin?"
"I know, but, I didn't do anything to her!"
"Okay everyone, put your math away, the rest is for homework, class is over" Mrs.Bronen said, I put my things away and tuck in my chair, "See you tomorrow Nick"
"You too, we should hang out sometime, like just us?" He said, oh! Is it like a date or something?!
"Yah, that would be cool" I replied.
The bell rings and I leave class. I go to my bus, and go to the 3rd back seat. I take out my book musical drama. I'm on chapter 7 now. As I start reading, Sean goes into my seat beside me.
" hey what are you reading?" He said.
I look at him. "Musical drama"
"Cool, you like musicals?" He asked. Hell yah!
" Yah?" I said. "Why?"
" I love them to, I've been in 6 musicals, I started singing and acting when I was 8"
Wow, Sean and I have a lot in common, more then... Nick.
" really?! I've started singing and acting when I was 8 too! Well to be exact, 8 and a half"
"That's so cool! What's your favourite colour?"
"Blue" we say at the same time.
"What kind of blue?"
" sky blue" we say at the same time and laugh.
"Hey, do you want to hang out some time?" He said.
Oh no. What do I say? What do I say?! WHAT DO I SAY?! I like Nick, and now, I like Sean, who do I like better? Who do I like better?! WHO DO I LIKE BETTER?!
"Yah, we should."
What am I going to do?
I like BOTH Of them!

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