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She's walking down the street, going home.
She hears something, turns around.
Nothing their.
She's hears it again, turns around.
This time she sees something.
It tries to hurt her, let's say. Tries to rip her heart out.
It goes away when it hears the car drive by.

I scream.
What kind of dream was that?!
I don't remember it, but all I remember is that something was happening to Ally. Why would I have a dream about Ally?! Oh god, I hate nightmares. I get a phone call.
It's Jessie.
Why is she calling?
Fine, I'll answer.
Me- Wh-what?!
Jessie- I don't know! Her heart is like, damaged! This man was driving by, saw her and took her to the hospital!
Me- how... How...
I hang up.
I know what's happened to her.


I can't believe I saw what tried to kill Ally! Me, of all people, see Ally, about to die. This is crazy. I need to go see her.
I run to the door and grab my shoes, until I hear my mom come down the stairs.
"Honey... It's the middle of the night." She said. "Why are you up?"
"Ally's in the hospital!" And I run out.
I get into my car and leave.
Oh god, oh god, oh god! The hospital is 30 minutes away! Okay, the maximum speed is 60. Um... Their isn't really any cars...


Thank goodness I didn't get caught for going 90! It feels good to break the rules!
Never mind about that.
"Excuse me, can I see Ally Abner, she's my friend." Well, she um... Used to be...
"Not right now you can't." the nurse said, I read her name tag... I mean nurse Katie said.
"Why? Is she DYING!" People stare. Oh stare all you want! One of me best friends is dying!
"You could say that..." Nurse Katie said.
"NOOOOO!" I yelled, I turn around and notice Jessie's their.
She stands up and we hug. "Ally's going to die."
"I know" Jessie said.
"I'm so sorry, about everything, how I made this whole liking Andrew thing get in the way of our friendship."
"It's okay." She replied."who cares about that right now, Ally's dying!"
"Um... Jessie?" I say quietly.
We stop hugging. "What?"
"I had a dream"
"Of what?"
"Of Ally"
"What happened in your dream?"
"I don't remember! I saw Ally and something happened like-"
Wait a sec, I remember.
"Like what?"
"Something tried to... Rip out her heart"
"Do you think that literally happened to Ally?!"
"I don't know! We need to find out!"


Jessie and me leave the hospital and go home after 25 minutes. I told mom how Ally is on the hospital, but didn't tell her about the dream. I can't tell her. She will bring me to a mental hospital and ask if I've been drinking. I don't even drink! Well, once I tried wine, maybe twice...
Jessie called an hour ago saying that Ally's fine now, but not so fine. She was like so close to dying but the doctors saved her. She said that we can check on her tomorrow. If she's... Alive. Rose, don't think that, don't think that she will die hating me, don't think that she will die and Jessie and me will be by ourselves... Oh no.
Oh no.

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