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I've just got a text from Jessie saying to watch Brandon, I think I know what she means. My moms funeral is tomorrow. I made my eulogy.
If any of you don't know me, I'm Teresa's daughter. Me and my mom stayed together, just us, for awhile. We were close, really close. She was funny, compassionate, talented, and best of all, she was the best mother anyone could have. My dad left me, my brother, and my mom 6 years ago. If your here today dad, then I want you to know that me and Brandon are alone. Anyway, my mom didn't deserve this. She shouldn't of passed away young. I loved my mom, and I still love her. I know she went to a better place, I just know it. She taught me a lot of things. To Be a good friend, Laugh often, work hard, and, well, I could go on for ever. "enjoy life, it has an expiration date" is what she always says, I always ignore that quote, I thought it was stupid, but now, I'm telling people that quote. I will enjoy my life, even if my mom won't be in it for the rest of it.
Is it good?
What if it's bad?
What if people think I'm weird and dumb after I say it?
Listen to myself, I'm an idiot.
You know what?
People can make fun of my eulogy if they want too.
I'm going to wear my dark blouse with my slacks and black high heels. Brandon is wearing his black suit and black tie, and white shirt underneath his suit.
I take a warm shower and dry off and put on my funeral clothes. Then I put my mascara, black eyeshadow, and red-pink lipstick on. I brush and comb my hair and put my hair in a French twist. I walk down stairs and see Brandon all ready.
"You look nice Rose." He said when he glared at me.
"You too." I replied. "Let's go."
He wraps his arm around me and we walk out side to his car. We get to his car and he unwraps his arm around me and we leave for the funeral. I'm so nervous, who am I going see their? Oh gosh, my dad. MY DAD. OUR DAD. The dad who abandons me, my mom and Brandon for this other women. Don't know if Jessie can make it , because she literally said I don't know if I can make it.
"Did you write an eulogy?" I asked Brandon quietly.
"Didn't have time" he replied.
I looked down. "Okay. I made one anyway."
He doesn't respond. I'm check my phone. It's 1:02, we will be at the funeral in like half an hour. I scroll through my camera roll and see a picture of me, Brandon and my mom at the park. I try not to cry, I tried, but a tear runs down my eye. Don't notice Brandon, don't notice... Thank goodness he's looking at the road, Brandon hates when I cry. He would of stopped the car, and hug me until I felt better. He does that when I'm a little upset, just imagine what he would do in this position!


When we get to the funeral, I see familiar people. My grandparents, my aunt and uncles, my moms friends, and... Even Brandon notices, I know because Brandon face is just blank.
"It's dad" I whisper in Brandon ear.
"I know" he whispers back.
I'm guessing that my dad saw us because he walked up to us and hugged Brandon then me. "Hey kiddos, I missed you guys!" He said. "You guys grown up so much!"
Me and Brandon glare at each other.
"So, Brandon, how's college?" He asked Brandon. "Um, it's good." Brandon replied. He lied. He quit college, he shouldn't lie.
"And, Rose, how's school?" He asked me.
"Your grades?"
"Your friends?
"Your teachers?"
Finally he stopped with the questions. I turn around and see my moms casket. My mom. Dead. She's dead. Everyone starts sitting down and me, Brandon and of course our dad has to sit beside us.
In 10 minutes I go up there to do say eulogy. I say my eulogy and sit down. Then Brandon goes up there and talks about our mother. He didn't make a eulogy. Then after my dad went up there. All he said was that he loved her once and stuff like that. And every one talked about my mother when they went up their. No Jessie, I guess she couldn't come. It's fine. She probably had something better to do.


After, the funeral, my dad went up to Brandon and me before we left.
"Hey kids, I just want to say sorry." He said to us.
"Sorry to what?" I asked.
"Sorry to everything. I'm sorry I left you guys for another women, it's just, I didn't love your mother really, I thought I did. " he said.
"Did mom know that? That you didn't love her?" I asked angrily and upset.
"Well... Um... Um... Sure..." He responded.
I can't believe him.
"So, guys, can you forgive me? And, me and my wife, Nora have a daughter named Angelina and Jackson. Angelina is 13 and Jackson is 11, they're your Stepbrother and stepsister! So, if have no place to stay, It would be a pleasure if can be a part of our family... So what do you say?"
"Um... I don't know, what do you think Rose?" Brandon asked me.
Uh? NO!
"I don't know..."
"At least forgive me guys." My dad said.
"Okay, I forgive you." Brandon replied.
How could he? Forgive him just like that!
"What about you Rose?" My dad asked me.
"I'm sorry, but, no, I can't forgive you, I... I need more convincing." I said. "Come on Brandon" I grab Brandon's arm and pull him to the car. I don't turn around, I can't even look at my dad right now.
When we are half way to his car, Brandon stops me. "Rose, what was that? You should of forgave him. You know how upset he could be right now?"
"Well, he can cry all he wants Brandon! He didn't love mom! You know what that means right? He married her, he had kids with her, had a family... But didn't love her!"
"I know but... Don't you see? He thought he loved her." Brandon replied.
"Yah, but, ugh, you won." I said. "But, he still doesn't deserve forgiveness. He just left us like that. He went up to mom said, "sign this divorce papers", and... Mom had know idea why he wanted to divorce!"
"You don't know that Rose."
"Yes I do. I heard them talking, and I was 10! You were 13! He just leaves us like that!It didn't ever occurred to him that he left kids that were actually older?!"
"Maybe he did."
"What ever Brandon, keep sticking up for him."
I walk to his car, but he stops me again. "Brandon, we have to go."
"Fine, but, I know, you are kind of right. But everyone makes mistakes. You do too. Dad made a mistake, okay?"
We go to his car and finally leave.
Why does everything happen to me?

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