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"Okay? So why is it coming after me?"
"I don't Know. Hmm... It went after Ally and Roses mother, so... It's think it's about Rose"
"Are you sure?"
I'm talking with Matt right now. Were talking about how this is happening with me. Remember when Matt gave me his phone number? Yeah so I called him over and we are at my house right now talking. "Yeah, it's going after people in Roses life, like, Ally, her mom and you." He replied.
"Yah, hm... Wait! I need to warn Rose! The reaper thingy will go after Brandon! Her brother!" I yelled nervously.
"Okay, so, wait, how old are you?"he asked, um... Okay?
"16?" I said "why are you asking?"
"Your 16? You look like your 18."
"Hm... Really?"
Yah everybody... I look like I'm 18...
"Then how old are YOU?"
"Just turned 21"
We are staring at each other for like 30 seconds. Into his bright blue his brown his-
"So, um..." We stop looking at each in a awkward way when he said that. (Thank you!)
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Um..." I managed to say um! Hooray!


Oh my.
Missed calls.
9 missed calls from Sean.
And 10 from Nick.
Oh no.
I usually ignore my missed calls and don't care who called me... But now I do! Oh god they probably hate me! HATE ME! Oh my.
I was supposed to hang out with them 2 WEEKS AGO.
I totally forgot.
I can't call back. I will sound like a baby. Like "oh I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! WAH!" Yah, I'm not going to do that. You Know what? I have an excuse. Ally's in the hospital, so I can say I am busy because I need to stay with my friend who is in the hospital. And... That's kinda true.
I'm going to call Nick first.
Nick- Jessie?
Me- yah... It's me...
Nick- I called you like a million times! We were supposed to go out 2 weeks ago! How could you just ignore me like that?!
Me- I'm sorry Nick, my friend is in the hospital and all I'm doing now is staying with her!
Nick- oh, why didn't you just tell me? If you told me before, then I wouldn't have to hate you right now.
Me- Nick I'm-
That didn't work.
Now... Sean.
He doesn't answer the phone. But then I get a text from him. Don't call me, leave me alone.


To forget about about how Sean and Nick hate me, I decide that maybe me and Matt could try to find out what's going on again, after we had that... Awkward moment. Matt said that he could come. So I text Rose. I think I know what's going on, but first you need to watch Brandon, don't ask, it's complicated.
After I texted her, I sat on the couch and turned on my favourite T.V. show - The 100. I'm already near the end of season two!
Clarke was about to try to make peace with the Grounders when the sound of the doorbell rang throughout my whole house. I turned off the T.V. and went to answer the door.
"Hey, Jessie." He said. "Hi, Matt." I replied. We stood in the doorway for what seemed like forever. I don't know about him, but I was staring again. I really need to stop that.
"So, can I come in?" He asked awkwardly. I stepped back and he let himself in, taking off his bag that he's always holding for some reason.
"So, Jessie, about earlier..." He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm so awkward! I make things weird!" I say, being completely honest with him. "It's okay." He says. "No, it's not! I'm such a mess up! Two guys don't even want to LOOK at me!" I cry, covering my face in my hands. "Sorry, you didn't have to hear that." I apologize. "It's okay." He repeats.
I feel so bad to put him through this, he's the only one who will listen. Not even Rose will care I'm pretty sure. She's having problems of her own.
Well, thank god he's listening, because I'm pouring my heart out. "Sorry, I'm a weirdo."
"You think your a weirdo? I'm a weirdo." I look at him. "Just... Don't ask"
"Kay, so, um, I don't think we can find any information without Rose so do you..."I started. Okay, he's a 21 year old... He's 5 years older then me... "Wanna, um... Go to the movies?"
"Sure." He said.
That worked. "Okay, great." I said relieved.
I think I might like Matt.
That's not good. He's five years older than me. He's probably just going to the movies with me because he's bored. Whatever. Matt doesn't like me, why would he like me? I'm just this normal teenage girl to him. Well, a normal teenage girl who is going to be killed by a demon and he needs to protect me...


Matt and me went to this random movie together, he's taking me home now in his car.
We are almost at my house. "You've never been a musical?"
"No, I hate musicals."
"You hate musicals? That's just... Not normal."
"Yah, I'm not normal so? I already know I'm not Normal."
"I'm not normal either, well now, now that this thing is trying to kill me..."
We just got my house. He takes me to the steps to the door. "Thanks for bringing me home." I said.
"No problem."
Then, another awkward moment.
I want to kiss him so badly!
I stare into his bright blue eyes again... At his brown hair his-
We can't kiss.
Nope we can't.
We can't.
But then I just kiss him. Just like that.
I kiss him for a few seconds and stop.
I'm stupid.
He looks startled. "Bye" I said and open my door and close it.
I hear a knock at my door.
I open it and Matt puts his lips on me. He wraps his arm around my waist and leans closer to me. Literally, to be honest, this is the second kiss I've had. My first was with this guy named Mike in 9th grade. Well, he kissed me, he's disgusting, why did that have to be my first kiss? I wish this was my first kiss.
Let's just pretend that this is my first kiss.
Well, this is my first kiss.
First kiss that I've actually liked.
Who cares about Nick and Sean.
I've got Matt.

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