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This guy is checking me out!
This guy is checking me out!!
He's just staring at me, I'm trying not to look, I'm trying so hard!
His name is Lucas. He's my age, he has dark brown wavy short hair , light brown eyes and he's CUTE!
I'm pretty sure he's in my Math class, I don't know for sure, because I don't look at people in class much, you know, like turning around and stuff.
"Hey my named Luc-"
" I know, Lucas, I'm Rose" I interrupted.
"I know, your Rose, your in my Math class" see?! He IS in my math class!
"Oh yah, so, do you need answers to the math questions or something?"I said, I can't say, what do you want?
"No, I don't need math questions, I need you to come to the movies with me this weekend" YAHHH!
He's smooth, I wonder if he had that planned to say?
Should I say yes?
Well, I have nothing better to do...
"Yes! Yes! (Cough cough) I mean, we'll see..."
" cool, see you around"
Lucas is one of the most popular guys in our school. Did you know he's the captain of our football team?! To get a date with him is like... Impossible for unpopular people like me!


When I get to our lunch cafeteria, i literally don't know where to sit, I can't sit with Jessie, Zoë and Rylie, or Andrew and Ally, as I walk past Lucas and the populars, Lucas stops me.
"Rose!" He introduces me to his friends, Kevin, he's Lucas's best friend, he has blonde hair and light blue eyes, he's on our football team, he's not has cute as Lucas.
Then their is Ruby. She has light brown wavy long hair and brown eyes, she's the captain of the cheerleading squad, she's... Kind of mean.
Then their is Chad. He has black short hair and dark blue eyes, he looks mysterious, he's not on our football team but he used to be.
I could go on forever, there's like 15 kids at this table.
"Sit with us Rose!" Ruby calls out. "Who's your friends?"
This will be embarrassing. " right now, my friends aren't my friends."
"Really? What happened? Come sit!" A girl named Madeline called out, I sit, and everyone at the table stares.
I tell them the story, but not the whole thing, I just say that I liked this guy and my friend and him went to the dance together and blah blah blah.
" so this friend, took away this guy you liked from you and they went to the dance?! One time, I liked this guy and this girl who is a new student, takes him away and now they're dating, like right now!" Madeline said.
" I know, almost the same thing happened to me! I started liking this guy, I was about to ask him to go to the movies with him and BAM! His girlfriend comes!" Ruby said, with anger.
Everyone here understands me, like everyone has a something that happened to them that's kind of like my story and everyone really likes me. There much better friends then Ally and Jessie!
" Lucas, you picked the right girl!" Another said named Brooke shouted to him. Lucas blushed.
"Yep, I did" he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, I blushed.
"So, Rose, are you going to hang out with your no good friends anymore? I really like hanging out with you." Madeline asked.
That's when I said. " there not my friends anymore, you guys are way better then my no good friends"
And that...
Is true.

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