Chapter 14

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I fall into a rhythm; Orion helps me with the laws and how we can change them. If I'm not working with Orion I am working with the boys or the Black sisters. I am also pushing my own training to keep my magic in check. A week into it I am called to the Black manor.

When I arrive, I instantly know something is different. I try to figure it out as an elf leads me to the sitting room where Arcturus is waiting for me.

"Lord Lestrange is coming to speak about the alliance. Rodolphus and Bellatrix have a planned outing for the paper and lord Lestrange wanted to see if you would work with Rabastan. All of our families will become targets if war breaks out."

"I don't mind teaching him something, but it feels like that isn't the only thing going on." I say.

"We want the best for you Carina. You need more people in your life around your own age to create those bonds with." He admits. Rabastan is someone that I didn't know if I was ready to see again. We had months on the run together and many nights it was just us two.

"What if he starts questioning things?" I ask.

"Then we cross that bridge if it comes. If you feel it would be best for him to know what is to come, than I will leave you to tell him. His father and brother have already been informed so I do not see it causing issues." He assures me and I nod. While I didn't really want to tell the story again at least this time I could do it alone.

My magic is still on edge as we wait for them to arrive. The moment they step into the room my magic freezes. This could not be happening. I would put him in more danger and a target on his back if what we were doing ever came out. Flashes of Theo hit me, how can I protect him if I had already failed once. I ignore the pull knowing he won't feel it until we touched.

"This is Carina Black, the one who has been working with your brother and Bellatrix. We will be in the study if you need us." Lord Lestrange says to him, and they walk off leaving us alone.

"Hey I'm Rabastan Lestrange." He says sticking out his hand. Well here goes nothing. If I ignored the pull, it would drive me into insanity. Taking a deep breath, I grab his hand and feel the connection. This was going to be a long day.


The moment she touches me I feel like I have known her my whole life. My magic pushes forward as if to greet her. My eyes go wide and I have to force myself to release her hand.

"Care to explain what that was?" I ask.

"It looks like we have somethings to talk about. Let's go to the dueling room." She says and I follow her. We take our seats on the floor and I can't take my eyes off her.

"I am part of the Winters line. I don't know how much you know about royal lines, but we have what are called fated mates." She explains and my eyes widen.

"I did a report on them last year in history, so I have some knowledge." I admit.

"That does help. Well, you are my fated mate."

"This was not what I expected for today, but I can't say I am upset." I say and she gives me a small smile.

"Unfortunately, that isn't everything. See mates cannot have secrets between each other or the bond won't form. You also don't have to accept the bond at all, but if you want to go down that route than we need to break it before it forms anymore."

"Carina I'm not denying the bond. If fate thought we were a perfect match, than who am I to question that." I say reaching over and grabbing her hand. Even the thought of walking away is painful.

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