Book 1: "A Leaf in the Wind and The Revelation"

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(A/N): Hello, once again I apologize for the spotty grammar, I wrote this over a year ago and have barely edited it.

I am also assuming that everyone reading this has watched the show and knows what the characters look like so I barely describe some of the minor characters.

My apologies and I hope you enjoy.

- MattFromWii


Koza's POV:

I woke up in a dazed state and got dressed. My heads been throbbing every day I've woken up for the past week and I can't figure out why. 

I placed the books Tenzin gave me on my shelf, they are all about concentration and clearing the mind but so far I've only had mixed success.

I got dressed and prepared for another long day of meditation. Tenzin thinks I'm grasping the meditation exercises well but in truth I'm just far better at hiding my frustration than Korra.

Once I arrived in the dining hall I sat down at the end of the table. Korra was on my left and Tenzin on my right. I greeted Tenzin with a smile and hoped that today would bring something more entertaining in terms of training. Korra has her face buried in this morning's newspaper, scouring the headlines for something interesting.

Koza: "Good morning Korra."

Korra: "Oh hey Koza, listen to this! And in the final round, the Buzzard-wasps won with a decisive knockout, paving their way into the tournament! Why don't we go to the arena tonight, catch a few pro bending matches?"

Koza: "It would be cool to see it in person. We read about it at home all the time."

Tenzin: "That sport is a mockery of the noble tradition of bending."

Korra: "Come on Tenzin, I've dreamed about seeing a pro bending match since I was a kid, and now I'm just a ferry ride away from the arena."

Tenzin: "Korra you are not here to watch that drivel. You're here to finish your Avatar training. So for the time being, I want you to remain on the island."

Korra instantly became mopey and started playing with her food. It's amazing that she's the most powerful person in the world and is an overgrown child.

Korra: "Is that why you're keeping the White Lotus sentries around to watch my every move?"

Tenzin: "Yes, in order to learn airbending I believe you require a calm, quiet environment, free from any distraction. This will greatly benefit you as well Koza, I want you both to remain on the island. Have you started the texts I gave you?"

Koza: "Yes I have, I will have them finished shortly."

Tenzin: "Good, then you may start meditating after breakfast. I will take Korra to her next lesson."

Tenzin and Korra left to train after breakfast. I left the dining room and quickly found a quiet place in the garden. I ended up sitting down in a nice shaded area and began meditating.

Later that evening I walked outside to see Korra attempting to airbend. She kept going through the motions while yelling 'airbend'. I watched for a few minutes on the porch without her noticing my presence but I couldn't hold in my laughter after Korra lost her temper and shot a blast of fire at the newspaper she was using as a target.

Korra: "WHAT! Maybe I'm just not cut out to be an airbender?"

Koza: "I think you just need to be patient."

Korra: "Oh come on, I've mastered every other element! This should be easy."

Koza: "Maybe you just need a little distraction to take your mind off the stress."

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