Book 3: "The Earth Queen"

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(A/N): And I'm back with another chapter!

This one is slightly shorter than previous ones, but I've been pressed for time in recent days and I didn't want to delay this chapter any longer.

I've made some changes to book 3, the general plot will still be the same but it'll have a few new twists.

Thanks for all your support and I hope you enjoy!


3rd Person POV:

Team Avatar's airship soared through the sky as it made the final approach to Ba Sing Se. The late morning sky had a few clouds spread throughout the horizon and a warm breeze swept across the sky.

Koza and Asami were standing beside Jinora as she oversaw a sparring session between Bumi and Kai.

The two newest airbenders danced in a circle with their fists up and ready, trading sarcastic remarks as Jinora called out helpful bits of information to the new airbenders.

Jinora: "Light on your feet Uncle Bumi, remember, you want to be quick and evasive."

Bumi: "Don't worry about me, little lady, I've been in a scrap or two you know."

Koza raised his eyebrow as he glanced at Asami who simply rolled her eyes, a small smile forming on her face. The shadowbender smiled in response and reached over to Maska, petting the giant wolf sitting down beside him.

Bumi: "Ah you're just a youngster so I'll go easy on ya. Wouldn't want to hurt a kid-!"

Kai stuck in the blink of an eye, sweeping out Bumi's legs from under him with a wave of air. The former United Forces Commander fell onto his back with a loud grunt and sprawled out on the airships deck, groaning in pain.

Koza: "Nice move kid, way to exploit your target's positioning. Bumi, there's room for improvement, watch the stance changes, he caught you flat footed."

Kai and Jinora rushed to help Bumi up, each taking one of his arms and hauling him to his feet.

Tenzin and Korra were watching from the balcony above the main deck, smiling down at the group with approval as the new airbenders tested their abilities.

The airbending master was incredibly proud of Jinora and Koza, not to mention a little impressed by their ability to teach the new airbenders.

As Bumi was walking away from Jinora and Kai, he began patting down his pockets after finding that his jacket was lighter than usual.

Bumi: "Did I drop my wallet?"

Koza rolled his eyes as Jinora began giggling. Kai proudly walked around and back into Bumi's view, fanning himself with Bumi's wallet.

Bumi: "Hey! Give me that you little thief!"

Kai and Jinora broke down laughing as Bumi chased the young airbender around the open deck, swiping at him wildly while Kai used his new airbending skills to carefully avoid Bumi's clumsy attacks.

Jinora: "Be careful Uncle Bumi!"

Koza simply rolled his eyes and turned back around to face Asami. The mechanic was smiling as the comedic sight before them while gently scratching Maska.

Koza: "Alright you two, that's enough. We don't need anyone falling off the airship."

Jinora and Kai pouted at the sudden end to their antics and reluctantly handed Bumi back his wallet. Before they could resume training, Bolin and Mako arrived on the upper deck beside Korra. The earthbender cheered as they finally arrived in Ba Sing Se, flying over the massive wall and entering the airspace of the Lower Ring.

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