Book 2: "Civil War"

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Sorry for the massive delay in the next chapter. I hope to be far more consistent in the future but who knows if I'll actually be able to do that.

Thanks again for your support!



3rd Person POV:

Maska roared as she pounced on the closest Northern soldier, grabbing him with her jaws, shaking her head violently and smashing the soldier off the ground.

Unalaq turned around in shock, fear gripping the Northern Chief as Maska tore through his men. Before he had a chance to react, Koza punched him across the face, sending him staggering out of the house.

Korra: "Koza no!"

Tonraq: "Stop!"

The shadowbender didn't care, he sent a powerful kick towards Unalaq and the subsequent whip of shadows knocked the Northern Chief into a large prison truck parked outside.

Koza rushed to Maska's side, attacking any soldier that dared to go near her. The giant wolf held another soldier in her mouth and refused to let him go despite the man's panicked screams of horror.

Tonraq and Korra jumped into the middle of the fight, positioning themselves between the two sides and demanding they stop.

Koza hesitated for a moment, using the ceasefire to assess his position and note the location of Unalaq's troops who were quickly getting into a fighting stance.

Unalaq: "That was a mistake, boy."

Koza: "Not from where I stand."

Korra: "ENOUGH! Everyone stop, Uncle, you don't have to do this."

Unalaq: "I'm afraid I have no choice. Perhaps your friend needs to be arrested as well, assaulting the chief is a serious crime."

Koza: "Please, you need more soldiers to take me, and they need to be a much better quality than the ones you brought here."

Unalaq: "These soldiers serve their tribe well, and I have a great many of them here."

Koza: "You're going to need all of them."

Before Koza could launch his next attack, Tonraq and Senna stepped in front of him.

Tonraq: "Stop this at once Koza. Brother, agree to let the shadowbender go and we'll come quietly. There's no need to make this any worse."

Unalaq: "Fine, cuff them. And you, shadowbender, if I or any of my men see you so much as look suspicious, I'll throw you in a cell to freeze for the rest of your life."

Koza simply scoffed and walked away, calling Maska to his side as he left. He couldn't bring himself to watch Tonraq and Senna get arrested.

The shadowbender spent most of the day wandering around the city, shaking off the various patrols of soldiers Unalaq sent to watch his movements.

He eventually met up with Mako and Bolin as they made their way to Varrick's office. The office was full of expensive decorations and stuffed animals of every size. Asami was waiting in the office when the group arrived, pacing back and forth as she mumbled to herself. She snapped out of her troubled state when she saw the group enter.

Asami: "Koza! Are you alright? I heard about what happened with Tonraq and Senna. Soldiers came to our cabin and questioned me before I came here."

Koza: "I'm fine, though Unalaq seems obsessed with keeping track of my movements. He's sent several squads out just to track me."

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