Book 2: "The Sting"

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3rd Person POV:

Koza found himself wandering through the Air Temple gardens late one night. He couldn't sleep and thought the quiet garden would help calm his mind.

The garden was maintained to an acceptable level, but Pema always liked to do things herself and Koza thought she did a much better job than whoever put in the bare minimum while she was away.

The full moon shone brightly and enabled him to see clearly without a lantern. The wind was cool, it always was coming off the ocean but tonight seemed especially cold.

Each time Koza found himself looking out to the open sea, he couldn't help but wonder how Asami's shipment was doing.

As he thought about Asami's precarious financial situation, he heard a twig snap behind him. His heart rate skyrocketed as nobody had ever been able to sneak up on him in the night.

By the time he turned around his attacker was directly behind him. Koza was suddenly thrown several feet back and crashed into a tree.

The wind was knocked out of him but he was able to recover, pulling a small wall of shadows to his side and attempting to block his attacker. His blue eyes widened in horror as a shadow moved straight through his own and wrapped itself around his neck.

Koza crumbled to the ground once again, clawing at his neck as the shadow squeezed the air out of his lungs. His efforts were futile as his eyes became heavy. With one desperate attack, Koza sent a small slash towards his own face, cutting the shadow clean off his neck but also lightly cutting his neck and cheek.

Blood ran down his face and neck, staining his white t-shirt as he drew in desperate gasps of air.

The second he climbed back onto the main garden path he scanned his surroundings for the shadow, but found nothing out of the ordinary.


The following morning the shadowbender rushed to the police station after hearing that Asami's shipment was attacked.

Koza stormed past the main desk and made his way to the interrogation room where his mother was interviewing the ship's captain.

Mako and Asami were already in the observation room, watching the interview as Koza came in to join them.

Asami: "Without that sale, I don't know how much longer I can keep my company going. What am I gonna do?"

Koza: "I'm going to find whoever's responsible."

Asami: "Koza?! What happened to you?"

Mako: "That's a deep cut, you need to see a doctor."

Koza: "I'm fine, I was attacked last night while walking through the gardens."

The shadowbender brushed past the businesswoman and police officer, activating the device just below the glass so they could listen in on the interview.

Before he had a chance to pick up on the conversation, Mako turned off the device and pushed Koza away.

Mako: "You're one of the most powerful benders I've ever seen. If someone can do that to you, we have a serious problem."

Koza: "They ambushed me. And I did this myself. It was the only way to free myself from their hold."

Asami: "What? You cut yourself like that?"

Mako: "Did you at least see the person who attacked you? We can go through a list of known criminals or get a sketch artist."

Koza: "I didn't see them and I couldn't stop their attacks. I was completely blindsided and on the verge of blacking out."

The Legend of Korra: Male OC x Asami Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora