Book 2: "We do not Choose Our Destinies"

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(A/N): I'm back! Thanks for all the support on this story. I'm sorry this chapter took longer than expected to release. I'm fairly busy with school but I wanted to get this chapter uploaded before final exam season started.

I hope you enjoy and I appreciate any and all comments you guys leave. Thanks again!



3rd Person POV:

Asami tested the chains one again, only to find that the cold metal wasn't close to budging and still held her arms tightly in place. She shifted her tiered gaze to Korra, their eyes met and both realized they weren't going to be escaping without help.

As Asami slumped back and let her body relax, a massive explosion rang out nearby. The tent shook and a small amount of dust fell from the shelves.

Bolin: "What was that?!"

The muffled voices of soldiers shouting were heard, swiftly followed by the sounds of mecha-tanks driving and soldiers running.

Tenzin: "Koza..."

Team Avatar's spirits were suddenly lifted as they focused their attention on the tent's entrance and hoped for the shadowbender's swift arrival.


A mecha-tank exploded in a massive fireball as Koza landed behind it, completing his flip over the vehicle just as the explosion rang out.


The battle had devolved into a sea of bodies, each soldier fighting for their own life with no semblance of command.

The larger Northern Army had easily encircled the exhausted and battered White Lotus force, and the dark spirits dove in. Despite Koza doing his absolute best, he was no match for the overwhelming force of the dark spirits.

Three mecha-tanks closed in, taking aim at the exhausted shadowbender. Before they had a chance to attack, Koza moved forward and targeted the glass cockpits in each of the tanks.

A quick thrust with a dagger of darkness was all it took to disable all three vehicles. The drives slumped over the second the blades hit them, blood splattering across the now shattered glass.

A torrent of water slammed into Koza's back, sending him flying into the disabled tank. When he pushed himself to his feet he realized he was being surrounded and the last of his soldiers were either fleeing or being cut down.

He wiped the sweat and blood from his face before the cold air froze it to his skin. His White Lotus uniform was almost completely torn to shreds and soaked from head to toe in blood, most of the blood wasn't his.

Then it hit him, the darkness he'd managed to avoid since first arriving in Republic City. His body became ice cold as his eyes widened in horror. The shadow slipped out from under the closest mecha-tank and wrapped itself around his body. Koza fought back for a split second, grabbing onto the wave of black that encased his body and attempted to pull it off.

Suddenly the darkness encased his head and everything went black.


When his vision returned, Koza found himself on his knees in the snow. The battle had ended around him with dead bodies completely surrounding him. The shadowbender looked around, but for a brief moment he couldn't find another living soul. He tried to stand up, finding that he had just enough strength to do so.

The Legend of Korra: Male OC x Asami Where stories live. Discover now