Book 1: "Out of the Past - Turning the Tides Part 1"

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3rd Person POV:

As soon as morning arrived, Tenzin left for City Hall, he received a call informing him that Korra was at city hall during an incident in the night. When the airbending master arrived he found the building surrounded by police vehicles and reporters.

Tenzin rushed to the council chambers and walked past the swarms of police officers to find the chamber completely destroyed.

There were a few Equalist weapons scattered around the room and Chief Saikhan was taking a report from Tarrlok as a doctor was working on the councilor's wounded arm.

Tenzin marched up to the injured councilor and demanded to know why Korra was at city hall.

Tarrlok: "As I told Chief Saikhan, Korra came to my office late last night. She was upset that I arrested her friends. She asked me to release them and that's when the Equalists attacked. I tried to protect Korra but we were outnumbered. Then I was electrocuted. When I came to, the police had arrived, but Korra was gone. Chief Saikhan, mobilize the entire police force. We have to find the Avatar."

As Tarrlok and Saikhan left the scene of the crime, Tenzin looked up at the massive hole in the roof and wondered what could've possibly caused it.


Across the city in a small apartment, Lin Beifong was resting in her bed. Her injuries had almost all healed but her body still ached.

She was slowly going over all the mail she had revived that morning when she got to a letter from Air Temple Island. Though she wasn't exactly fond of Pema, she still opened the letter. Her eyes widened as she read the letter, silently cursing her son.

Despite her initial anger, she knew that she'd have done the same thing in his position.

Pema had written to inform her that Koza was arrested by the task force and they couldn't get in to see him.

The police chief decided that she wasn't going to lay in bed while her son was wrongfully imprisoned. She groaned as she forced herself out of bed, her arms still hurting and several small scars were now visible, spread across her forearms. She limped to the closet and put on her police uniform but tore off the golden badge.

Lin grabbed a large trench coat before heading out to the police station. She's been working long enough to know almost all of the secret entrances that the old building has. She entered through the sewers and stealthy moved through the prison block. She quickly knocked out the only guard present in the hallway and made her way to the registry.

Lin tore through the book, looking for her son's name and an attached cell number but she couldn't find it. She was about to give up when she found Asami's cell number followed by Mako and Bolin's shortly after.

She rushed to Asami's cell first and grabbed the door, using her metalbending to rip it off its hinges and gently lean it up against the wall.

A startled Asami sat up on her small prison bed as Lin stepped into her cell.

Lin: "Hope you got enough beauty rest. Come on, I'm busting you out. Do you know where Koza is?"

Asami: "You mean you haven't found him?! D-did you check the log books?"

Lin: "Yes but there was nothing."

Lin sighed, she found the concern in Asami's voice interesting. She immediately figured that the girl had strong feelings for her son and given how vigorously Koza defended her father, she assumed he had just as strong feelings.

Asami: "Thanks, I owe you."

Lin: "Don't worry about it, we're getting the rest of your crew and getting out of here."

The Legend of Korra: Male OC x Asami Where stories live. Discover now