Book 2: "A Great Battle in the Snow"

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(A/N): Hello there!

I'm back with another chapter! I hope you're enjoying this book as much as I'm enjoying writing it.

I appreciate all your support, thanks again.



3rd Person POV:

Koza and Asami woke up the following morning to pounding on the bedroom door. The pair groaned as their eyes slowly opened and they made eye contact.

They were both still naked under the blankets and Asami had rolled onto Koza's chest during the night. Her face flushed red with embarrassment as Koza smiled up at her.

Koza: "Thanks for doing all the work last night."

The shadowbender didn't think it was possible for Asami to look any more flustered, but she found a way.

Before he could comment on her embarrassment the door swung open and Korra stormed in.

Korra: "Koza! Get up we need to-! Oh... hi Asami."

Koza swiftly made sure Asami was completely covered with the blankets, leaving only their heads exposed.

Korra: "I'll... ummm... wait in the common room for you."

The pair awkwardly glared at the Avatar who slowly backed up into the hallway while avoiding their gaze. She then slammed the door as quickly as possible and retreated to the common area.

Koza simply groaned in annoyance and ran his hands through his blond hair, cursing at his luck. He knew that news of him spending the night with Asami would spread like wildfire once Korra started talking about it and he'd probably have to listen to another lecture on the island's rules from his father.

Asami: "We should probably get dressed... before she comes back or someone else walks in."

The shadowbender grumbled in annoyance and climbed out of bed, swiftly getting dressed as Asami went to have a quick shower.

After a short walk, Koza arrived in the common area to find Lin, Tenzin, Korra, Bumi and Kya. Mako and Bolin joined the group as Koza sat down at the table.

The food smelled amazing and Koza quickly turned his attention to his plate after greeting his family and friends.

Tenzin: "Koza, we have some difficult news. Jinora... her spirit is trapped in the Spirit World."

The shadowbender lost his appetite almost immediately. He snapped his gaze to his father and pushed for answers right away.

Tenzin: "It was Unalaq. We don't know where she is, but Unalaq is seeking to release a dark spirit called Vaatu. It'll plunge the world into a thousand years of darkness. We need to head south and stop him, but the President has refused to help."

Koza: "I know."

The group looked at him in confusion, wondering how he could possibly know something he wasn't there to witness or told about.

Lin: "Can I ask how you know this?"

Koza: "Princess Azula and the Fire Spirit showed me."

The group was stunned, everyone failed to find words before an Air Acolyte walked in with a small piece of paper.

Air Acolyte: "Masher Tenzin, a telegram from the Fire Nation. It's for Koza."

The shadowbender took the small message and carefully read it over.

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