Book 3: "A Breath of Fresh Air"

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(A/N): Hello There!

Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter uploaded but hey, better late than never.

This is the first chapter of book 3, (my personal favourite book) and I can't wait to continue it.

I hope you enjoy and that you all for your continued support, I appreciate all the favourites, feedback and comments you guys leave.

All the best in the new year,


3rd Person POV:

Two weeks had passed since Harmonic Convergence. Koza spent the vast majority of the time sleeping and caring for Maska. The giant wolf had managed to make an impressive recovery, her injuries were almost completely healed thanks to several healing sessions with Kya.

The shadowbender wasn't as medically gifted as his wolf though, Koza's injuries were far more connected to his pride than his body.

Despite the obvious, he felt responsible for the destruction Vaatu caused to the city. He wasn't sure if people witnessed him causing the destruction, the fight on the beach was rather small compared to the massive size of the city, but he wasn't willing to find out. He outright refused any attempt to get him to leave the Air Temple Island and stopped using his bending.

Spring came early, chasing away the cold winter air and letting nature bloom in record time.

Korra had been working round the clock attempting to find a way to rid the city of the spirit vines and free the large sections of the city that were overrun.

Late one morning, Koza was walking Maska around the island after her healing session with Kya. The waterbender had insisted that Maska wasn't in need of her healing anymore and looked perfectly healthy, but Koza wasn't convinced and forced her to agree to one more session. Maska however was in the process of proving him wrong.

The giant wolf wanted nothing to do with Koza's slow pace around the island and instead preferred to run and play, bringing the shadowbender large tree branches that he had no hope of picking up without his bending.

Koza: "Girl, that branch is the size of my body, go get a smaller one."

Maska looked on in confusion and then tilted her head, begging Koza with her big blue eyes to throw the stick.

The shadowbender groaned in annoyance and knelt down, attempting to pick up the massive log without his bending.

After Maska watched the shadowbender struggle to throw the massive log further than a couple feet, she barked at him playfully.

Koza let out a deep breath and sighed, reaching out towards the log and wrapping it in shadows. He purposely attempted to use as little of his bending as possible, hoping to do the bare minimum to entertain Maska.

Instead the log was launched with incredible speed towards the sea, crashing through trees and bushes before a soft splash was heard in the distance.

Maska raced off into the bushes, her tail wagging as she charged into the forest.

Koza was left alone on the trial, standing in shock at how little effort it took him to launch the log into the sea.

After a minute of processing what just happened, Koza walked off the trail and into the bushes. He made his way to the cliff and found Maska already down on the beach fishing the log out of the sea.

Bumi cried out in horror and Koza snapped his gaze over, only to see the former United Forces commander laying face down in the sand a short distance away from Maska.

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